Просмотр полной версии : To not establish or install the reason vaginalnoj and intestinal clinic

01.09.2004, 19:30

At me a following situation. One year ago at me have found Trichomonases, ureaplasmas and chlamydias. Trichomonases treated Tiberalom (tab.) And Makmirorom (suppositories), with constant provocations (Lydasum and something or something else too was, I remember). Ureaplasmas and treated Chlamydias Vilprafenom and Lomfloksom. In parallel - gepatoprotektoronoe (Essentiale Forte) + Baktisubtil (at the second stage - Lineks) + constantly there was a thrush (both during treatment, and after its or his termination or ending). With her that only did not try or taste: and Pimafutsin, and gino-, and Ginezol, and then - Vaginorm for restoration of flora - all is peer all again. Surveyed an intestine (a feces on a dysbacteriosis (in a test tube, in medium)) - first time was found with yeast in kol- 10 in the sixth. Saw Pimafutsin inside. Then I was attacked with a strong angina and I drank Penicillinic then the allergy has begun. Plus to it or this have found erosion shejki uteruses, very extensive, BUT have found out it or her in 7 days after my first sexual certificate or act. As chlamydias have been found out also in a rectum have assumed congenital infection. After I have handed over all kontroli and crops, bad clinic, namely - allocation slizkie, greenish color, an itch in the field of genitals or genitalias and an anus (especially after a defecation) - were saved, and appeared periodically. Doctors spoke, that analyses normal, but intestinal analyses at me turned out badly and, can, therefore it was difficult something to reveal. Last intestinal analysis made very unsuccessfully, has shown presence of staphilococcuses - 10 in the seventh. Surveyed imunnuju system - disturbance limfopoeza O-lymphocytes. A functional immunodeficiency. Disturbance of a phagocytosis. Is moderate or moderately-expressed immunokompleksnoe an inflammation. But spoke, that deviations or rejections very insignificant. Have registered Likopid and tincture of a ginseng. Likopid a propyl, on tincture already forces have not sufficed. As the clinic was saved, and doctors already ustali to treat me, I have gone to another. They, the truth, do not do or make any crop, and look on glass (how much such method is effective, by the way?), But examining me on an armchair under a microscope, have found out the centers of a mycotic inflammation on a skin, and also a herpes and a virus of papillomas. Have taken smears. I apologize for so long letter, but I already simply do not know, that to me to do or make. To me in fact only 20 years! Prompt something, please. Thankful in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I ADD to a dysbacteriosis. Gynecologists cannot explain the reason. Though one thousand times surveyed....

01.09.2004, 19:30
I ADD to a dysbacteriosis. Gynecologists cannot explain the reason. Though one thousand times surveyed....

Gynecologists are not guilty. They are not able to treat not existing illness or disease, even examining under a microscope.

Who it is unique is obliged to help or assist you the one who this diagnosis has established or installed.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Gynecologists are not guilty. They are not able to treat not existing illness or disease, even examining under a microscope.

Who it is unique is obliged to help or assist you the one who this diagnosis has established or installed.

To them I to address any more I do not want:)

Only money take also anything more

01.09.2004, 19:30
To them I to address any more I do not want:)

Only money take also anything more

To gynecologists you to address do not want, and a post why that have written to this section. Address to that.. To itself want, INTERNALLY. Virtually it is not treated.

01.09.2004, 19:30
One year ago at me have found Trichomonases, ureaplasmas and chlamydias. Trichomonases treated Tiberalom (tab.) and Makmirorom (suppositories), with constant provocations (Lydasum and something or something else too was, I remember). Ureaplasmas and treated Chlamydias Vilprafenom and Lomfloksom. In parallel - gepatoprotektoronoe (Forte) + Baktisubtil (at the second stage - Lineks) This disgrace of any attitude or relation to treatment has no Essentiale. You deceived. Very probably, that the deceit has begun from the very beginning - with diagnostics.

Constantly there was a thrush (both during treatment, and after its or his termination or ending). With her that only did not try or taste: and Pimafutsin, and gino-, and Ginezol, and then - Vaginorm for restoration of flora - all is peer all again. The thrush is treated simply enough if to be able to do or make it.

Surveyed an intestine (a feces on a dysbacteriosis (in a test tube, in medium)) - first time was found with yeast in kol- 10 in the sixth. Saw Pimafutsin inside. Never any more do not hand over the analysis on *quot; n??iaONO??*quot;.

Surveyed imunnuju system - disturbance limfopoeza O-lymphocytes. A functional immunodeficiency. Disturbance of a phagocytosis. Is moderate or moderately-expressed immunokompleksnoe an inflammation. But spoke, that deviations or rejections very insignificant. Have registered Likopid and tincture of a ginseng. Likopid a propyl, on tincture already forces have not sufficed. Imunnuju system to you to survey it is not necessary. It is next lohotron.

Where will address in Peter to the deceived patient to you have told. Gynecologists there too are.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To gynecologists you to address do not want, and a post why that have written to this section. Address to that.. To itself want, INTERNALLY. Virtually it is not treated.

I spoke about those gynecologists, which have put this diagnosis (see the report from doctor101), and at all about all:mad:

Simply mum
01.09.2004, 19:30
This disgrace has no attitude or relation to treatment. You deceived. Very probably, that the deceit has begun from the very beginning - with diagnostics.

The thrush is treated simply enough if to be able to do or make it.

Never any more do not hand over the analysis on *quot; n??iaONO??*quot;.

Imunnuju system to you to survey it is not necessary. It is next lohotron.

Where will address in Peter to the deceived patient to you have told. Gynecologists there too are.

Clearly...: (

Good, thanks