Просмотр полной версии : Pains after the sexual certificate or act

- =Vitiko =-
01.09.2004, 19:30
About one year there was a problem back. After the sexual certificate or act, in an hour-two, the pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly begins, quickly amplifies, the pain extends on all stomach or belly, but with advantage in right to a side, the stomach or belly increases or is enlarged. Sometimes podtashnivaet, but vomitings are not present. The temperature up to 37.2 - 37.4 Sometimes rises. Sometimes the pain passes or takes place within several hours, and sometimes lasts, fading till 4 days. Couple of months has addressed to the gynecologist back, to me have put an acute right-hand salpingitis, has passed or has taken place course of treatment (medicamental, the laser), on the next consultation have told or said, that is healthy. Since then has passed or has taken place about 2 months, and here couple of days back, for 8 day of a menstrual cycle after a coitus the stomach or belly again was ill. Yes so, that it was necessary to cause *quot; ?OO?*quot; (thought, that this time an appendicitis), in hospital an appendicitis have not put, though leucocytes have been raised or increased, and temperature too. The gynecologist has examined, has grinned and has told or said, that *quot; More accurately it is necessary after monthly sex ?a???aOy?n*quot;, and in the information or inquiry dysfunction of ovaries, cystic change of the right ovary has written. N a question *quot; as ?N??Oy*quot;, has told or said - symptomatically. To tell the truth, I already izmuchalas. Now and sex I am afraid to be engaged. To me that now up to the extremity or end of a life to do or make it *quot; slowly and N?a?y?*quot;? Advise how to be, what treatment to pass or take place? In advance thanks