Просмотр полной версии : Femoston

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors! At me to you a question.

The attending physician has offered for an output or exit on pregnancy after corresponding or meeting preparation reception femostona on 3 cycles. Control US in 3 months at otsutsvii result. To me of 28 years, a cycle without reception of hormonal therapy irregular. In the summary to a preparation necessity of its or his reception for replaceable therapy is underlined at a climacterium (?) + pregnancy is counter-indicative. How to understand nazanachenie the doctor? In consultation to this question to me have responded, that the preparation is very popular, therefore it or him appoint or nominate is universal or without exception.????

Thanks everyone who will respond.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Let's begin with that each preparation has the indications to application, and not all indications happen are described in the instruction applied on them. Femoston it is applied except for a replaceable hormonetherapy in a postmenopause also to a cyclic hormonetherapy at genesial age.

About pregnancy you have not correctly understood - the preparation cannot be applied during pregnancy, but it does not mean, that it is impossible to accept before its or her offensive or approach.

You do not result or bring any given inspections, therefore it is impossible to estimate or appreciate expediency of purpose or appointment Femostona.

Femoston really good preparation, but it at all does not mean, that it or he should be applied, as you write, it is universal or without exception. Keep in mind, that without hormonal (and another) inspections to appoint or nominate with the medical purpose hormonal preparations it is impossible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Jacob, thanks you for so prompt reply.

I cite data from my map.

1999 nerazv. Pregnancy 3 (anembrionija?)

It was surveyed:

1. 17 29,9 ???y/with (20,0 - 41,6)

2. anti HG IgM it is weak +

IgG +

3. IPPP - not obnar. (PTSR)

4. bakposev - m/about abs

5. HLA nositelnitsa gene AGS

Karyotype 46

6. Viruria Koksaki -IV +++

7. According to gemostaziogrammy: assay on VA weak +

rkmf it is weak + (norm or (rate-are absent)

8. Allocation of chlamyses. In culture of cells - chlamydias are found out (individual includings or incorporations)

Microscopical research soskoba (REEF) a urethra - chlamydias are found out

9. Under schedules basal t. - NLF

10. On US - functional cyst Lo

11. Hormones (a blood on 8 d.ts.): Prolactinum, LG, FSG, Oestradiolum, Progesteronum, a hydrocortisone, Testosteron-Depotum, 3, 4, TTG, antibodies to a thyreoglobulin, DEA, nYa-WITH - in norm or rate

12. Assay with AKTG - the hydrocortisone and 17- is increased

It is spent protivohlamidijnoe treatment

It is recommended:

1. difenin 1 3

2. Nootropilum 1 in the morning

3. Norcolutum of 5 mg 14-25 d.ts.

4. Metabolum. Therapy

5. uzi for 5-7 day

6. immun. Status SD 16 + 56 +

19 + 5 +

7. The ?oa-STATUS

On US - data for presence of a cyst are not present

BBT biphase

It is recommended: immunofan 10 ampoules in a day

On -there last survey, the diagnosis:

nevynashivanie in an

hr. smesh. virusno-. Infections



It is recommended:

1. enterosgel

2. immunal

3. oksigrissant

4. femoston 3 m.ts

5. kontr. US (if in 3 months there will not come or step pregnancy)

6. Schedules BT

7. Polyvitaminums

8. difenin

The doctor it has allowed to cease to be protected on the second cycle of reception femostona.

Dear Jacob, whether correctly I have understood, what if pregnancy attacks a preparation (I in fact shall accept it or him still even 4 weeks, yet she will prove to be true), to that of harm will not be put or rendered?

Read clause or article of professor Melnichenko about this preparation. They applied it or him in MMA Setchenov on women from 48 till 62 years. It I to that anywhere in an Internet not vtrechalis references about reception for women of genesial age. In clause or article also it is mentioned that frequently is complex or difficult to receive the consent of the woman to reception ZGT. And it in the postclimacteric period. It is especially complex or difficult to be solved on reception of a preparation, when there is no also 30. Whether it means, what all pregnancy will proceed under the full hormonal control? Whether it is possible to estimate or appreciate now expediency of purpose or appointment femostona? To summaries to a preparation it is in black and white written: contraindications are known or PROSPECTIVE pregnancy. As it to treat or *quot; correctly ?nOy*quot;?


01.09.2004, 19:30
If pregnancy attacks a preparation (I in fact shall accept it or him still even 4 weeks, yet she will prove to be true), to that of harm will not be put or rendered?

Yes, it so. Everything, as to application Femostona in a climacterium, to you does not concern. The preparation contains so-called natural estrogen and gestagen which in necessary cases are applied and at pregnancy. Therefore, even if it will appear, that you accepted a preparation on early terms beremennnosti, it will not damage or injure;hurt to its or her development.

Whether it means, what all pregnancy will proceed under the full hormonal control?

No, does not mean. But presence of a carriage of gene AGS (HLA and assay with AKTG) and VA + can demand purpose or appointment of Dexamethazonum during pregnancy and by preparation for her.

Whether it is possible to estimate or appreciate now expediency of purpose or appointment femostona?

It is one of possible or probable variants of treatment. Though personally I would be limited gestagenami (djufaston or utrozhestan in the second phase) and would cancel for couple of months up to planned pregnancy difenin, having replaced with its or his Dexamethazonum. Further, if pregnancy will not come or step, stimulation of an ovulation can be demanded.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Jacob!

Thanks for the previous answers.

In your opinion, whether purpose or appointment deksametozona on the basis of results of last gemostaziogrammy is possible or probable? In total 2 researches have been spent: two years ago and, the last, in March of this year. (Results identical). Or the new analysis is necessary?

01.09.2004, 19:30
In your case there is still an indication for purpose or appointment of Dexamethazonum before pregnancy - erased form AGS. So in the sum with data gemostaziogrammy such purpose or appointment, for mine vzgjad, is justified.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear gynecologists, help or assist.

1. The doctor considers or counts purpose or appointment femostona sufficient. deksametazan, the heparin does not offer. And in fact is also antihgch, not left for 2 years. As you how I have understood, avoid personally to offer schemes or plans of reception of preparations through an Internet, recommend, what to me to do or make? Easier or simply to drink femoston or to address to other expert for purpose or appointment of the specified necessary preparations?

2. I accept the first packing. Segodna 18 day, and BT keeps 36,4 - 36,5. Why it can be? Rise BT usually comes late, but on reception gestagenov earlier the organism always responded rise of temperature to 1-2 days of reception (Norcolutum). Cycles without support gestagenami always biphase, but schedules *quot; not Oa??oUN*quot;, the first phase a high and long, second phase of 10-12 days. Once on US - ljufsindrom under? You name a method of measurement BT not informative for the control over an ovulation, can cease to measure? If to choose Clearplan with kakago day to begin (am afraid, usual references about 11 days to me, probably, do not approach or suit)? Questions are important, since a sexual life irregular in connection with business trips, and it is necessary us *quot; ?o?Oy*quot; a right moment.

3. After reception of 14 days of Rifampicinum (wife) and Amikacinum (husband) what is the time should pass or take place, that it is possible to cease to be protected and try to become pregnant?

Thanks everyone who will respond.

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. Yes, I do not consider or count possible or probable to do or make concrete purposes or appointments through an Internet. Probably, the doctor adheres to a position, that available changes are not so essential to appoint or nominate Dexamethazonum. As I already wrote, it is one of possible or probable variants of treatment. From more concrete references I shall refrain - personally I in general would do without femostona. But I think, that while to change the doctor it is not necessary.

2. On a background of reception of the preparations containing estrogens with gestagenami (as in second half of packing femostona), measurement BT is not informative. About tests - it would be desirable to track or look after day on which really ripens a follicle, on US, and in view of it or this to use tests.

3. In a following cycle can be absolutely quiet.

01.09.2004, 19:30
As more than once happened at this forum .ja I agree with Jacob.

Probably. I can more detailed prokmmentirovat a situation with more than hypothetical AGS if I can receive the following information-where you isledovalis on a carriage of genetic predisposition to AGS? How the conclusion has particularly been formulated?

C what preparation AKTG and under what report spent assay, what concrete results - a hydrocortisone and 17 OPG?

I wish you all kind, and if you will not have time for the answer, in it or this no trouble was not present

This information is necessary to me, more likely .dlja to reject even an opportunity of latent (nonclassical) form AGS at YOU.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna!

Thanks you huge for the help.

Were surveyed with the husband in laboratory of genetics on Oparin.


Phenotype HLA (wife) A3, 10, B35 it (is underlined), 41

Below record - with 4

Phenotype HLA (husband) A11, B7, 22

Karyotype - 46XX, 46XY

The conclusion: According to the cytogenetic analysis: the karyotype and HLA for genetic predisposition at spouses is not present researches of data.

The attending physician (unit nevynashivanija), been surprised with such conclusion, has assumed giperandrogeniju, having seen me for the first time (body height, a figure). And has made record about it or this in a map - *quot; nositelnitsa gene Ca?*quot;, having seen B35, then having directed on assay with senaktenom (excuse, forget as it is correctly written). The analysis did or made somewhere for 20 day of a cycle as necessity of a choice of the certain day has not been stipulated.

8 mornings a blood on hormones, then a nyxis in a forearm and repeated hormones in 10 hours.

Exact data I shall try to inform later, as they at the doctor. On consultation to Dzenis I could not get, my doctor can will consult at it or her (most likely has forgotten, t.k nothing speaks). I remember only, that F has been already raised or increased a little in the first assay before introduction of a medicine. Komentarii my doctor in this occasion - was fidgety, since *quot; ?O*quot; took a blood. 17- up to a nyxis - norm or rate. After a nyxis both are raised or increased, T for some reason did not check.

Also calculation was spent.

On memory record approximately such DS = 0,2 (or 0,02)

As, I already spoke, on consultation to Dzenis (this surname, probably, it is familiar to you) I could not get, the doctor, having received result on arms or hand, have appointed or nominated to me Nootropilum on 1 tablet + difenin 1. 3 times a day a course to 3 months. She considers or counts a situation not serious, does not see special necessity for consultation. Last record in a map - giperandrogenija. It I try to find out an exact picture (whether purposes or appointments of medicines already now are necessary, whenever possible, to avoid problems with following pregnancy.

Excuse for not absolutely correct answer, I shall try to receive result on arms or hand.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Malinka, let's try understand how the patient communicates with the doctor - on your example. So, you have addressed for consultation in the Internet-.. counting on the broad audience of answers, having placed THAT INFORMATION as which YOU considered or counted important, hoping on the extremely important for YOU answers.

And absolutely easy write, that on the basis of L identifications have found or considered you nositelnitsej gene ASG (VDKN).

Well, people at us quiet., did not begin to recommend at once to you Dexamethazonum buckets, and in fact others could...

Having thought, you have told, that actually all not so is simple...

Understand, MAlinka, the gene which provides normal job of enzyme 21- (and abnormal job of this gene and is called AGS) .dejstvitelno is located on korotokom a brachium of 6 chromosomes, near to locuses gistosovmestimosti (these are those 35 and the other company which have made such strong impression upon one of your doctors).

When it is awful for a long time when began issledevat communication or connection of illnesses or diseases with genes gistosovmestimosti, .smotreli and communication or connection of these locuses with AGS All this for a long time already last medicine as the big clinical value or meaning;importance has no.

I shall give an example. So liked to your doctor 35 approximately in 3 times increases or enlarges probability of development subacute tiroidita (be not frightened, it is not terrible, and happens in more advanced age). And what means increases or enlarges in 3 times (digits not quite exact, I write on memory, simply I give an example)?

It means, that if on the average at population 35 meets at 1 % among ill tiroiditom at 3 %/we and speak - predisposition. But all focus in that .chto at 97 % ill 35 is not present it or this!!!

Therefore now for a long time already look - and whether is not present what-or changes in structure or frame of gene 212-it is already much more authentic .vot .naprimer .esli in a position 172 instead of amino acid izolejtsina - asparagine, it already a mutation .dlja evropeoidov-it typical for nonclassical VDKN (AGS) a mutation .no it for evropeoidov, and if the great-grandmother to you has not told or said the truth about the great-grandfather (remember *quot; SHirli-iUO??*quot;?).

And such or similar mutations in different families can be a little, .naprimer a proline in 30 position on Leucinum, or other things....

So uneasy it has put-genetic consultation .i if to you something did or made, do not hurry up, to choose that information which seems to you to the most truthful.....

And now try to write exact data about a hydrocortisone and 17 on the test or dough;father-in-law with Synacthenum....

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna!

Can it is necessary to specify also the information on antiserum capacities to virus Koksaki And?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is irony?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Why, Galina Afanasevna?

Koksaki -IV +++

11-10-2001 20:01

Yours faithfully.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uh you! At me already spirit has grasped! So much the information. It is a pity, that it is impossible to understand, understand independently in all all these subtleties.

Good evening!

Galina Afanasevna, I thank you once again, that you with me are engaged. You are a professor in medicine, talent in pedagokike, the educator in an Internet, the remarkable sensitive and sympathetic person in a life. I think, all your patients and colleagues will agree with me.

I can not finish with the first question yet (-you of the analysis), allow to set two more.

1. Whether you consider or count reception femostona in my situation safe? And justified? (me of 28 years)

2. In honey. To the literature, devoted to problems nevynashivanija, autoimunnyj the genesis as I have understood, is considered the serious reason (about 80 % of losses on different terms without corresponding or meeting treatment). At me besides resulted or brought anti HG +, also is available antibodies to fosfatidilholinu IgM slabopol. Gemostaziogramma: izokoaguljatsija, insignificant activation of intravascular coagulation of a blood. (soluble complexes of monomers of fibrin weakly +, assay on VA weak +). The question - as seems to you, whether the medicamental help is necessary in my case before? And during pregnancy for its or her normal current? Or I exaggerate (from pavor) and something again nedoponjala by a principle of the heard ring?

Doctor Zajtsev, whether I know antibodies it were?

I result or bring full result of the analysis.

Virologic research (degree of a viruria)

Material of inspection - urine

Results RNIF

Koksaki (pools)

AI-0, AII ++, AIII +, AIV +++, AV +, B-0,

Entero 68-71 ++, -0, Herpes 2,1-0.

The conclusion: the mixed virus infection (Koksaki And, entero 68-72)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Maliochka, native, all that I have written, has been made with one purpose - to show YOU, that analyses on the Earth-it not the voice of the Lord of the God, and real job with those or other methodical restrictions .kotorye do or make all people on this or that understanding.

And the most ridiculous - to be twisted in a whirlwind of infinite researches when all have already forgotten with what all has begun On ALL yours klicheskie questions Jacob has responded faultlessly, I have nothing to add.

On assay with Synacthenum I for certain have an addition - but here I wait for your answers.

But I DO NOT WANT, as you, and your descendants from your words thought .chto you nositelnitsa gene VDKN, etc.

Therefore .kak only I have seen all this disharmony. I have found or considered the duty All of you to write.

And your grandsons will speak that - yes, was babka nositelnitsej (it is not known that, but was)

01.09.2004, 19:30
As it seems to me, we deal with glorified AG a syndrome, and with a syndrome *quot; superfluous concern and superfluous i??Nnoa???O?*quot;.

How much or As far as I have understood, a principal cause of such detailed inspection of the woman (it is assured or confident, at it or her on it has left the appreciable sum and a lot of time and forces) was an individual episode nevynashivanija early terms, anembrionija.

Almost on 90 % nevynashivanie early terms it is connected with genetic anomalies of an embryos, it is usual with disturbances of number of the chromosomes, natural selection does not allow him to develop. Anembrionija specifies the genetic reasons was even more acutely.

The subsequent of pregnancy should come or step and proceed normally. Our patient surveyed and treated, as the woman with habitual nevynashivaniem (such diagnosis is lawful only after three episodes nevynashivanija successively).

I suspect, that all inspection and treatment in the certain measure bessmysleny. The colpitis is - treat. But at what here HLA, ten viruses, dozen hormones, tests and so forth

If problems with conception any, what for in general to lead the conversation on stimulation.

Also it is not necessary for you, Maliochka, to understand all these subtleties. You better well ate and on a regular basis did or made children.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Sergey,

Your performance or statement, as always, in time and precisely in the purpose. Patients of the gynecologist (the endocrinologist, the therapist, etc.) not always have profile problems. And still the problem can be and not one, glance in this discussion:

http: // forums./t1563.html

Dear participants of discussion very correctly explain that fact, that each research should be proved, survey all and all has no sense, and if research is spent, so please, competently interpret result. Also explain so that it was clear to the patient. In fact not everyone *quot; something ?anN??N*quot; has clinical value or meaning;importance and really influences a fecundity.

And the main task - to convince itself Malinku that *quot; ??O?a??Oai?N*quot; inspection is not necessary. In fact there was someone who on all it or her has directed these researches, not itself Malinka...