Просмотр полной версии : Raised or Increased Prolactinum

01.09.2004, 19:30
Explain, please, what functions of a female organism are influenced with raised or increased Prolactinum (at the nonpregnant and not feeding woman) and accordingly, whether he can cause sterility or barrenness. Progesteronum thus in norm or rate. Whether It is possible to achieve depression of Prolactinum and offensive or approach of pregnancy at treatment.

In advance thanks for the answer, Jeanne.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In the dry rest - yes .konechno, raised or increased Prolactinum can become the reason of sterility or barrenness.

In more complex or difficult vraiante, believe, there is a mass of nuances, from which minimal - whether why Prolactinum is raised, raised or increased, raised;raised, increased;increased, increased he really (or it big - prolaktinemija) whether stojko he poovyshen, etc.

To tell the truth, at presence of a plenty of reasonable doctors which are solved by these or it problemy. Hardly expediently virtual consultation on so obshcho sformulirovanomu to a question - for example .na a question - on what functions operates or works Prolactinum is better 20 page reviews of the literature as a result of which it is offered to rename Prolactinum in versatilin (multipurpose, .mnogoliky) respond