Просмотр полной версии : Stimulation of an ovulation

01.09.2004, 20:30
Good afternoon!

Help or Assist to understand, please.

The cycle regular, an ovulation is (is confirmed on uzi at 10-12 cycles). For augmentation of chances of conception at inseminations stimulation of an ovulation klostilbegitom has been appointed or nominated. Have appointed or nominated stimulation some doctors, to which I trust, including the surgeon spent a laparoscopy as I have understood them, the purpose of stimulation - to receive some follicles plus possibly in different ovaries (that *quot; OaiOa??*quot; for one cycle both pipes, pipes on GSG neidealny). Unfortunately, they have no opportunity to spend a full cycle of stimulation and an insemination neposredstevenno (is not present uzi, etc.) and I had to address in other center.

That has turned out as a result of stimulation - in stimulirovannom a cycle has ripened one dominantyj a follicle, as well as in a usual cycle, the follicle has become overripe (3 days there were the size of 27-28 mm though usually the ovulation occurs or happens at the size 24-25, Pregnylum have stuck under my request, but probably late), and now in general a cycle anovulatory. Certainly, in norm or rate there are anovulatory cycles, but it seems to me, what is it direct consequence or investigation of application klostilbegita.

I wish to wait normal ovulatory cycle without tablets even to be convinced, that all was restored.

Question such - that to me to do or make further (unfortunately, to the doctor all the same, purposes or appointments are done or made on a gauge, and money I have already paid for 3 cycles of inseminations, there such scheme or plan of payment) - 1) to increase or enlarge a dose klostilbegita up to 2 tablets, 2) to pass to other preparations for stimulation, 3) to do or make inseminations without stimulation.

On item or point 1) if 1 tablet klostilbegita has caused or called an anovulatory cycle what to expect after augmentation of a dose, whether it is dangerous?

On item or point 2) at me not absolutely proper correlation lg/o?u, for 5-th day was 1.7, once for 6-th day was 4.3 and only for 3-rd day there was a normal parity or ratio 1. What preparations for stimulation should be used in this case - combined (containing both LG and FSG) or containing only FSG? At me it is raised or increased FROM urine in 2 times from the top border.

Can be it is necessary hand over once again LG and FSG?

- you in a topic below wrote to Jacob, what it is better to hand over LG and FSG in the second phase, I about such did not hear, whether write, please, it is possible for me to hand over these analyses in this anovulatory cycle or it is necessary to wait ovulatory? If it is possible, for what day and whether it is possible to make it on a background of reception djufastona (has written out the doctor with 16 for 26 day in this cycle)?

Why the ovulation has not occured or happened itself, and it was necessary to prick Pregnylum, whether speaks it about any disturbances?

Excuse for the long letter, but it would not be desirable to ruin the health thoughtless stimulations, on uzi have already diagnosed dysfunction of ovaries.

In advance thanks.


01.09.2004, 20:30
To what to you diagnose? In what the reason of sterility or barrenness? I could not understand it from your report.

01.09.2004, 20:30
At the husband azoospermija, inseminations by a semen of the donor therefore are spent. With other partners earlier beremennostej was not.

6 cycles of inseminations are spent - the result is not present (last cycle likely it is possible to not consider or count, since the ootid has become overripe).

Diagnoses which put: on uzi and to survey - a link sided salpingo-oophoritis, on a laparoscopy - an external endometriosis (peritoneums). A hysteroscopy did not do or make, but did or made vacuum-aspiration biopsy endometrija in the second phase (directly ahead of monthly) - there all in norm or rate. Infections are not present, hormones handed over repeatedly, did or made sinaktenovyj the test, antispermalnye antibodies in a blood in norm or rate.

On uzi last time have put dysfunction of ovaries since in the extremity or end monthly smearing allocation, were up to 8-9 days, and now up to 6-7 earlier, an adenomyosis on uzi with doplerom have not seen (uzi spent 2 times - in the second phase and for 5-th day of a cycle).

01.09.2004, 20:30
Whether you received hormonal treatment in occasion of an external genital endometriosis?

01.09.2004, 20:30
Hormonal treatment, it is possible to tell or say, did not receive, only 3 months after laparaskopii OK (mersilon).

I shall remind, that I had 4 centers of an endometriosis on a peritoneum (2 on the right, 2 at the left), them prizhgli on a laparoscopy, the operating surgeon has told or said, that in hormonal treatment by preparations of type zoladeks is not present necessity, and OK has appointed or nominated *quot; on everyone ??O?a*quot;.

You think, what the reason of failures an endometriosis?

01.09.2004, 20:30
Probably, the reason in an endometriosis, probably, in something the friend. In this case I would advise you to stop spent treatment and to consider the problem about EKO. Not productive stimulations are very harmfully reflected on health, especially, in the long-term future, increasing or enlarging risk of oncologic diseases.

01.09.2004, 20:30
I can again somehow not so have written, time again have sent me on EKO.

To me it is very insulting, that because of nonprofessionalism of doctors which cannot normally spend a cycle of an insemination with stimulation and concern to failures as to nonsense (type another time it will turn out, anything in fact terrible does not happen - so has reacted the doctor to an anovulation after unsuccessful stimulation), to me advise to go on EKO.

Really fruitless pair without the found out reasons of failures after 6 unsuccessful attempts send on EKO?

The matter is that stimulation was all in one cycle, the insemination in which was unsuccessful by definition since were late with a nyxis of Pregnylum. All other inseminations were without stimulations, about that, how much correctly them spent, I too very strongly doubt, unless I can be though is somehow assured of professionalism of doctors in first two cycles of inseminations (them spent in laboratory EKO on Oparin), but they were up to a laparoscopy,

I.e. an endometriosis yet prizhgli.

And unless stimulation at EKO is harmless for health?

If it is possible, I very much would wish to receive answers to the very first questions in this topic.

01.09.2004, 20:30
I shall remind, that I had 4 centers of an endometriosis on a peritoneum (2 on the right, 2 at the left), them prizhgli on a laparoscopy, the operating surgeon has told or said, that in hormonal treatment by preparations of type zoladeks is not present necessity, and OK has appointed or nominated *quot; on everyone ??O?a*quot;.

Not all the centers of an endometriosis could be visible and get in polne visions of the surgeon. Therefore more intensive treatment, in my opinion, should be spent. Let not Zoladeks, so Gestrinon.

Really fruitless pair without the found out reasons of failures after 6 unsuccessful attempts send on EKO?

It is necessary or continue inspection for revealing other reasons of sterility or barrenness or to do or make EKO. As a rule, more than 6 attempts an insemination to do or make further is not present sense is the standard practice.

Unless I can be though it is somehow assured of professionalism of doctors in first two cycles of inseminations (them spent in laboratory EKO on Oparin), but they were up to a laparoscopy

It would be logical and to return after operation to this establishment...

And unless stimulation at EKO is harmless for health?

She too is harmful. But EKO the smaller number of times, than other kinds of stimulation is spent. Therefore also it is not necessary to spend more inseminations with stimulation.

I do not see sense to discuss questions on tactics of the further stimulation since I do not consider or I count its or her expedient. I ask to consider or examine;survey my words as especially personal opinion based or founded;established only on the information received from you.

01.09.2004, 20:30
Yes, sadly somehow it turns out... But thanks for your answers, Jacob.

Me already surveyed from different directions, but except for an endometriosis, about which have learned or have found out only after a laparoscopy (i.e. actually complaints and signs any were not), anything any more have not found. To doctors I have addressed only because I can not become pregnant from the husband.

I do not think, that attempts of an insemination were unsuccessful only that at me something not so, at least half of cases was unsuccessful on fault or wine of doctors. And in EKO all depends on doctors, and unfortunately, I do not have so much money that besides payment EKO to pay extra to doctors for that all of them have made qualitatively (and such practises).

And what you will advise for treatment of an endometriosis? To make once again a laparoscopy and then gestrinon, or it is possible at once gestrinon? And as about such information from the summary to similar preparations (to Zoladeksu, for example), that monthly can and not come after such treatment in general. I heard comments of doctors, what is it concerns only to women in the premenopausal period, but at present I know one woman of 28 years at whom after treatment buserelinom ovaries have ceased funktsionirvoat (FSG 40).

P.S. On Oparin I have not returned, since it became inconvenient to go there from job, I think, it was main my miscalculation...

01.09.2004, 20:30
And what you will advise for treatment of an endometriosis? To make once again a laparoscopy and then gestrinon, or it is possible at once gestrinon?

Hormonal treatment it was necessary to begin right after operations. Now a situation more complex or difficult and I do not undertake to give correspondence advice or councils.

And as about such information from the summary to similar preparations (to Zoladeksu, for example), that monthly can and not come after such treatment in general.

The probability of it or this is. But such happens seldom, and, as a rule, at already available failure of function of ovaries (obvious or hidden or latent).

P.S. On Oparin I have not returned, since it became inconvenient to go there from job, I think, it was main my miscalculation...

Here I with you completely agree... But, maybe, it is necessary to address there again now?

01.09.2004, 20:30
Thanks for your answers, Jacob.

About an endometriosis I shall consult to the surgeon.

If I shall decide to continue inseminations I shall necessarily address on Oparin, but, unfortunately, 2 more cycles of inseminations to me should be spent there where the previous attempt was unsuccessful since there payment at once for 3 attempts, to be stimulated in a following cycle of inseminations I shall not be, I wish to be convinced, that own ovulation was restored.