Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please

01.09.2004, 19:30

You could not prokomentirovat results of the hormonal analysis of a blood: Prl - 421, 2 112 ??y/l. Whether all in norm or rate or it is necessary to run urgently to the doctor? The matter is that in a week I leave for holiday, and hardly I can visit or attend the doctor before departure, and then she goes on leave. The analysis has been appointed or nominated that last 2 months there was an insignificant disturbance of a cycle.

In advance many thanks.

Yours faithfully, Tatyana.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To make comments on results of the analysis, it is necessary, at least, the nobility of norm or rate of laboratory for these parameters.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For 2 in results the specification - 97-592 ??y/l so, that I 112 like are entered in these frameworks is specified, and Prl - the maintenance or contents and all is specified only. You, what is this could not prompt hormones? If it matters, I handed over the analysis in the Endocrinologic or Endocrinology center. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
On mine vgljad, at insignificant disturbances of a cycle to hand over a blood on Oestradiolum (E2) there is no real necessity. The specified value or meaning;importance, really, keeps within norm or rate. Prolactinum, most likely, too in norm or rate though I precisely do not know norm or rate of laboratory ENTS.

The layman
01.09.2004, 19:30
If Prolactinum in honey \ml - norm or rate, if in ng \ml - rezchajshee augmentation (I think, that in ENTS should respond in honey \ml).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, Galina Afanasevna!

Thanks you for the answer on Tironete and for this answer. You, if could not prompt it *quot; rezchajshee OoN???N??N*quot;, than it can be caused or called and in what signs is shown? When I handed over the analysis, any hormonal preparations including a thyroxine did not accept. Under insignificant disturbance I had in view of, that at a regular cycle in 30 days, last 2 months the menses began for 4 and 6 days earlier. Thus all cycle there were unpleasant morbid sensations in a breast. At survey the gynecologist has told or said, that the mastopathy is not present.

Yours faithfully, Tatyana.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And if the answer in honey \l what for you to discuss digits not concerning you (look or see at the form, takm are written to a unit izmenrenija). Even the sizes of the SAME clothes in the different countries will be designated on a miscellaneous.. Easier (and it is more reasonable) to look or see at the form of the analysis. Than to begin long conversation that in YOUR case gne has attitudes or relations to business.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In that and business, that in results of the analysis nothing is specified, neither units of measure, nor normative value or meaning;importance. On one hormone there is everything, on the second - anything. Tried to call in ENTS, but there repair, a tube do not take. You are right, I shall not panic ahead of time, after holiday I descend or go to the doctor and all I shall find out. Simply after various endocrinologic or endocrinology and gynecologic *quot; OOUO?*quot; at itself, apparently, that that's all right cannot be. I, as that hero Dzheroma K. Dzheroma, read something medical and I find at myself something brand new. Big to you thanks for the help, Galina Afanasevna.

Yours faithfully, Tatyana.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You in fact were on reception at I.Buziashvili, and could ask look or see closely or attentively it or him results. But already now most it is interesting to me - from what number in ENTS the analysis without the indicating of a unit of measurement and referentnyh could be given out by the specification and by whom he is signed. Dump or reset a fax of the analysis on 248-64 - 77 (write, that for me). As a whole I have late thought enough, that you is absolutely isolated give the information on gynecologic and tiroidalnym to problems. It is better to tell to the doctor about all problems - and the doctor will already choose, whether additional advice or council of the expert is necessary to him \ to you.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Galina Afanasevna, thanks for attention to my problems, also I am sorry, that has confused you. To tell the truth, on reception at Buziashvili to me has not occurred to ask it or him about this analysis, has counted, that he the endocrinologist, therefore there were no rasprashivat it or him about gynecology as to me have told or said, that times hormones shchitovidki in norm or rate gynecologic problems are not connected with disease SHCHZH. The hormonal analysis the gynecologist has appointed or nominated not so much because of any problems, how much it is simple for the sake of inspection since never earlier I was surveyed. Unfortunately, send results of the analysis in the nearest two weeks I cannot, since today at me it or him with itself is not present, and today wash last working day before holiday. After holiday I shall go in ENTS and I shall try all to find out. Please, be not afflicted that someone was mistaken at an extract of result of the analysis, probably, fault to all my extreme vigilance and desire to be reinsured once again.

Once again many thanks for all!

Yours faithfully, Tatyana.