Просмотр полной версии : Inexplicable allocation

01.09.2004, 19:30
The dear doctor! Respond, please on such question:

Has found out in itself allocation from the left papilla (transparent-white color) at pressing there is one droplet. Has addressed to the doctor: she has registered to drink two months bromokreptin on poltabletki two times a day, that I and have made. Has passed or has taken place two months, but I do not see any changes. Checked everything, it seems - uzi mol.zhelezy, hormones (Prolactinum in norm or rate some times in raznyek days of a cycle). What is it can be and that to me to do or make further as I plan the baby in the near future.

With impatience I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Xenia.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At the doctor yet was not, but it is simple in a panic! Respond, please, I so wait! After has ceased to drink Bromocriptinum, allocation only have amplified: now from both papillas at pressing runs a trickle.

And more - ranshche on BT always there was an ovulation - for 14-16 day. This month - already 16 d.ts. - the temperature did not fall below 36,9 after a menses! I am afraid and I do not know what to do or make!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Xenia, at normal Prolactinum a lactorrhea (allocation from a papilla of milk or dairy color or serous) wears most likely reflex zharakter - perenesenaja operation. Crossed nerves of a thorax, herpes, manipulations on a uterus, manipulations on a dummy or papilla (the unitary palpation of a papilla increases or enlarges a level of Prolactinum approximately in 8 times) or it is connected with duktektaziej - expansion of ducts of a mammary gland.

Basically the question not correspondence - is necessary survey and decision-making on that, how much or as far as the revealed changes in general are significant - we in fact at all do not know, that there actually is squeezed out. And whether it was possible to YOU to achieve by means of self-stimulation of a mammary gland of essential intensifying of a lactorrhea - the usual reference - bromkriptin and TO NOT PALPATE!.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The matter is that allocation as has shown tsitologija-a colostrum.

Certainly I always check - whether have stopped allocation (and the palpation as can be assumed the reason), but I examine always the left breast because allocation have been noticed only there. And here I have solved at the same time and right posmotret-the colostrum runs and there. The palpation means is excluded.

Has handed over analyses on hormones of Prolactinum and shchitovidki, I go to do or make a picture of a turkish saddle. But all the same I do not understand: if Prolactinum was nomalnyj, and now suddenly will raise or increase - whether it is caused or called by a cancelling bromokreptina (so-called accustoming) and what for then I its or his saw?

And more, tell or say please, whether there is an ovulation at such state of affairs (at least it shows measurement BT) and in general how much or as far as all this is dangerous?

Yes, still I do not know, to me have appointed or nominated to drink bromokreptin and to make a tomography, but to me to start to drink a preparation already after when it will be known that there at me in a head or to begin already now? And a tomography to me to do or make not waiting results of the analysis on hormones or not?

Excuse, that I set so many questions, but I wish to make all correctly and more likely to recover. For me it is very important.

Yours faithfully, Xenia.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The cancelling bromkriptina is not accompanied augmentation earlier normally level prolaktna. At a normal level of Prolactinum the ovulation is present. If there are no other reasons for its or her disturbance, however, at the raised or increased level of Prolactinum the ovulation also can be.

Certainly. Reception bromkriptina - not an obstacle to carrying out of a craniography, and last - is not an exact method of diagnostics of adenomas. And the last it is not so obligatory to search at presence of all - navsego for colostrums...

And here to look or see level TTG it is quite reasonable.

As a whole it is too much alarms - try to understand, what from the registered problems at YOU all - navsego molozivopodobnoe a discharge at pressing from papillas at absence in the past beremennostej, endometrial contraceptives, reception of medicines and alimentary additives, j \ manipulations on mammary glands - I correctly have understood all?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The doctor, you are absolutely right! I the truth not absolutely understand, that taoe TTG but if it shchitovidka-that it or her at me too have checked up (hormones and uzi - all in norm or rate). About last results: Prolactinum at norm or rate 600 - 745 (it in fact insignificant augmentation?), SHCHitovidka as I have already told or said - too in norm or rate, MRT pathologies has not shown, uzi a pier. Glands and consultation at mammologa - *quot; at all of you in OnnN*quot;.... In general, similar to be afraid there is nothing, an extreme measure now, but also to wait slozha for an arm or a hand too it would not be desirable. The doctor, whether tell or say at such analyses it is necessary to start to accept Bromocriptinum again? Or it can be limited to vitamins? (if yes, with what?!)

Whether also it is possible to try to conceive the child?

Yours faithfully, Xenia.

01.09.2004, 19:30
TTG - the hormone of a pituitary body adjusting or regulating activity of a thyroid gland. If TTG it is normal. It means, that the gland WORKS normally.

The level of Prolactinum which is coming nearer the top border of norm or rate can have any clinical value or meaning;importance - for example if there is a sterility or barrenness or to not have any value or meaning;importance - depending on a clinical situation. I and do not understand, whether there are at you problems with conception?

It is given
01.09.2004, 19:30
The doctor, in that all and business, that we do not try yet: there are reasons to postpone and wait. But we live, being protected only PPA here already two a year, and I somewhere heard, what is it ALREADY an occasion for trouble!

And in general I with these or it vydelenijami nachitalas am so much everything, that became simply terrible for opportunity to conceive.

Can be in half a year, and moezht earlier we want popvtatsja, but I am afraid of that to me has told or said the doctor: and quot; With such vydelenijami not that what to bear, conceive or take out, conceive ?No????*quot; .a bromokreptin ostensibly dolzhet to me to help or assist, but in fact has not helped or assisted earlier, and the reasons are not present, that it or him to drink (Prolactinum in norm or rate... Almost). I want, that conception was idealnym, to make all inoculations and analyses to me and the husband, to secure itself against all TTT.

The doctor, you and have not responded me, whether to start to drink to me this bromokreptin again, or is simple naprosto to forget about all this (if, certainly you consider or count, that all my analyses do not wish the best, i.e. treatments). And more, you write, what the top border of norm or rate can speak about to-l disturbances how they still can be established or installed, what I need to make?

Yours faithfully, Xenia.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prolactinum - a hormone, which allocation amplifies at stress and a self-palpation of a mammary gland.

Bromkriptin use as for treatment of the diseases caused by proof rising of a level of Prolactinum, and as the symptomatic form of treatment - for example, at disturbing vydelenijah from a thoracal gland (thus, naturally, do not influence in simultaneously opposite way - a self-palpation, trying to strengthen a discharge from mammary glands.

In a life to solve problems in process of their occurrence easier, not trying to solve simultaneously some problems - so, are usual at presence of an ovulation and necessity of preservation now there is no necessity to solve the problem on the future sterility or barrenness and nevynashivanii.

In the dry rest - to stop a self-palpation of mammary glands, to discuss with the gynecologist a question on optimum preservation for YOU if the fact separated so it is strong trevozhit-to spend lechneie bromkriptinom in a dose of the order 1, 5 - 2 tablets in day 3 months, NOT PALPATING during treatment gland.

01.09.2004, 19:30
So I also shall make. Your words calm or abirritate and give to hope.

Thanks, the doctor, for your answers and the help.

Thanks founders of a site, for an opportunity to receive such qualified help.

Yours faithfully, Xenia.