Просмотр полной версии : Adenoma of a pituitary body???

01.09.2004, 19:30

To me 21 year, beremennostej was not.

On roentgenography of a turkish saddle to me have told or said, that at me, probably, an adenoma of a pituitary body. Thus color fields of vision - in norm or rate. US shchitovidki and adrenals good, US of organs of a small basin - a multifollicular left ovary, a genital infantilism (the sizes of a uterus 463046).

Never was regular monthly (from 13 years), only at application OK (has ceased to accept 1,5 year ago). Last times cycles were duration 26, 98, 56 days.

Analyses on hormones:

17- 62 /24

17 Construction Departments 14,3 /24

8 day MTS:

Hydrocortisone morning 950 ???y/l

Hydrocortisone evening 398,2 ???y/l

Prolactinum 926,4 ??N/l

FSG 14,4 ??u/ml

Oestradiolum 43,2 u/ml

22 day MTS:

Progesteronum 3,9 ???y/l

I would like to learn or find out, how the adenoma influences genesial function what consequences of this disease can be? I married, and already would be desirable children... Thankful in advance, yours faithfully Anna.

01.09.2004, 19:30
New data of analyses, 22 day MTS:

LG 17,8 ??u/ml

Progesteronum 1,1 ???y/l (3,9 was about 6 months ago)

Testosteron-Depotum 2,5 ???y/l

-S 1,7 mkg/l

01.09.2004, 19:30
Laisa, we do not know, why in general there was sldelana a roentgenogram of a skull, how much adequately was the image is estimated or appreciated.

To understand one is possible only - there were problems with a menstrual cycle. It is registered unitary *quot; ?nuan*quot; giperprolaktinemija, a normal rhythm of a hydrocortisone.

Adenoma of a pituitary body (and we in fact at all do not know. Whether there is she at you is shown clinically very much and very much on - to a miscellaneous and on a-miscellaneous is treated. In Tyumen work known profesora L.Suplotova (honey. Academy, A.Nelaeva - gl. The endocrinologist goroda-address for consultation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks for references! At us the endocrinologic or endocrinology center *quot uses the big popularity; i?*quot;, I feel, it is necessary to visit there.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The kindest wishes and bow to its or his principal, at me have remained the most pleasant impressions of visiting this establishment. Show our correspondence.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well, at an occurring I shall pass him!

I can understand your last report as the reference?

Simply so much endocrinologists and to be defined or determined problemno...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Laisa, I shall not begin to assure unequivocally, that I act as the guarantor and so forth I was in YOUR city not time, and have named to YOU a surname of people with which close communicated. I and Dr.s know Levin (I write on memory, cards now under ruokj are not present), organized the establishment mentioned by YOU, quite serious people have brought me there. Success to YOU!