Просмотр полной версии : Microadenoma of a pituitary body

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon,

I wish to describe the problem at your forum which decision last within 7 years.

The first menses was in 13 years. Within a year (t.e with 13 till 14 years) were irregular. In 14 years the cycle has completely stopped to this day. For that moment the clinic of disease was takaja-absence of a menstrual cycle, a galactorrhea, the raised or increased body height of hair on a body, golovnyj pains, excess weight. It was observed at the endocrinologist in children's hospital, but similar it or she was excited only with excess weight. Further me have directed to a regional out-patient department to other endocrinologist. She has for the first time raised the question about an adenoma of a pituitary body. Have made the analysis on Prolactinum in the private or individual medical center - norm or rate (hardly above the bottom border 4,7), nothing has shown a roentgen, MRT a pituitary body too. For that moment similar an adenoma have excluded. Laid in hospitals in occasion of a strong headache - the result was not. Has got on reception to the known gynecologist in our edges or territories, under its or his references has made US of organs of a small basin - it's OK, except for small polycystic educations on ovaries, has spent on drink a course of hormonal preparations of type trikvilar - the cycle on their background was. And then again anything. In 2002 has again addressed to the endocrinologist for the same reason, and vdopolnenie has still grown stout, body height of hair has increased. Has again handed over in the same private or individual center analyses on hormones prolaktin-24,9, t.e on the top border, LG and fsg in norm or rate, lipids and TTG in norm or rate, US shchitovidki - norm or rate, and - the uterus of the small sizes (corresponds or meets to age of 13-14 years) .endokrinolog has appointed or nominated to US of organs of a small basin to Diana-35 of a propyl 1 year - any effect. And only in 2004, nachitavshis information on the Internet about clinic of disease, I have assumed, that my reason is high Prolactinum because of an adenoma of a pituitary body. Has made a roentgen a turkish saddle - an osteoporosis stenok, further the analysis of a blood on Prolactinum, but already in municipal clinic. Result 12183 (excuse, I do not remember units) at the top border 750, further has made MRT a pituitary body - a microadenoma in diameter of 8,5 mm. While have appointed or nominated Bromocriptinum. And now questions: whether the microadenoma can develop for two years, in fact according to private or individual laboratory Prolactinum was in norm or rate though the clinic of disease within 7 years was the same or it is untidiness of laboratory? What to do or make further?

Read about a surgical intervention, whether it is necessary for me? In advance thanks that there is such forum where it is possible to find the helpful information. My case correct way to the decision of a similar problem can will help or assist to find. I for this purpose needed 7 years while I have not grown and has not understood with it or this.

Slava 303762
01.09.2004, 19:30
Can it was meaningful place this topic in *quot; a neurology and ?NOO?OOOu??*quot;? At least a repetition.

At least I can tell or say only in occasion of MRT: a question *quot; ?N?aO?nN??n*quot; for the first time can be consequence or investigation of low resolving power of the apparatus. Or the microadenoma increases simply or is simply enlarged in sizes...

ooo __ 1
01.09.2004, 19:30
Asya, I am afraid, that the problem be in absentia resolved or allowed cannot. Now Prolactinum really sharply is increased, the microadenoma comes to light or is taped and it is possible to speak about prolaktinome, and, that it is even more important, successfully to treat it or her is if you are sensitive to bromkriptinu on a dose of the order 5 7, (less often 10 mg) you receive 5 mg vostanovlenie a menstrual cycle (if pregnancy is not included into YOUR plans, preservation, and even if vhodit-it is better to accept about one year bromkriptin. And then to become pregnant).

If you will appear are refractory to bromkriptinu (Parlodelum) alternative to him serves dostineks (kabergolin) with the same effect. Both these or it of a preparation at the majority of patients reduce an adenoma down to its or her full disappearance or eradication on MRT.

For this reason (good effect of conservative therapy) operative excision mikroprolatinomy is applied ONLY at an inefficiency \ intolerances of iO?O?O??a \other agonists of Dopaminum (so this group is called). The acceptability sharply improves, as soon as Russian person learns or finds out, that bromkriptin - not a hormone, and received from vegetative raw material (ergot) a medicine.

And here with Prolactinum I cannot explain focuses in any way (not seen adenoma quite can be, but not found augmentation of Prolactinum at a microadenoma is practically inexplicable...

Body height mikroprolaktnomy... This almost improbable event (t.e it is clear, that each greater or big tumour once was small, but in that and focus, that by the moment of a symptomatology a macroadenoma \ a microadenoma come to light or are taped as mikro-macroadenomas, and anybody almost never (except for pregnancy. When less than at 5 % of microadenomas is augmentation), such focus did not observe - i.e. it is essentially important, that rostovoj the potential of these adenomas is determined in advance...

I am afraid, that the private or individual laboratory should be checked..

If you from Arkhangelsk, whether that were observed you at d.m.n. Zykovoj?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To d.m.n. Zykovoj did not address, recommended Treshchevu as the competent endocrinologist-gynecologist. While have registered Bromocriptinum. I shall try to leave on Zykovu.