Просмотр полной версии : To Mr. Kamenetskomu

01.09.2004, 19:30
Boris Aleksandrovich!

After two endometrial AI, result, unfortunately, negative. Did or made in a natural cycle by a semen of the donor. GSG - pipes are passed or taken place;passable, hormones - in norm or rate, infections are not present, the rest, in opinion of the doctor, in norm or rate. Now offer AI through an abdominal cavity or diffuzionnuju. Whether If probability of augmentation of a positive take at such ways? Or stimulation (the cycle in norm or rate, the ovulation is) is necessary? Or at once to leave on EKO? To Me 39.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Klarissa!

Now offer AI through an abdominal cavity or diffuzionnuju

Such procedure is not present. It is a question most likely about GIFTe (carry of gametes in fallopievu a pipe). Carry of gametes and embryoses to a uterine pipe (GIFT, ZIFT and EIFT) now is used seldom, in particular, at absence of conditions for carrying out EKO. An obligatory condition for application of these methods is presence even one functionally high-grade uterine pipe. This method is considered or examined;surveyed by the majority of experts as an anachronism.

Considering your age, I any more eksperementiroval.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Boris Aleksandrovich, thanks for the answer.

Whether correctly I have understood you, what it is better to not pull and prepare to EKO? Or there is a sense to repeat one more attempt of AI with stimulation?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether correctly I have understood you, what it is better to not pull and prepare to EKO?

I think, what yes.