Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist advice or council about embryoses

01.09.2004, 19:30

Very much I hope, on your help, and advice or council.

To me 24 years, to the husband 30. Did or made 4 attempts EKO, the first 2 in not skilled or experienced clinic, there even ootids have not found.. Stimulation was Klomidom.

Tretjaja, there was a normal attempt in other clinic, stimulation Dekopeptilom and, 12 dnei, 13 profazi, and a puncture on 14 d.ts.

Have received 11 ootids, were impregnated from them 8, but at different stages have stopped in development, and fragmetirovanny it is very strong.

Were and 2 cellular, and 6 and 8, but all with fragmentations. As a result, carry did not take place.

Through a floor of year, one more attempt in the same clinic, stimulation, as last time, and a puncture for 14 day.

Have received 11 ootids, were impregnated everything, but, at a stage of a pronucleus have stopped, 2 tried to share, but it has turned out, as to me have explained, vzdutoe polar teltse, and non-uniform division, they looked or appeared, as though turned out on a wrong side.. Fragmentations was not, podsadka again did not take place..

At the husband of 2 children from first marriage, at me till now, ber- was not. Some times, there were delays, on one and a half week, and for 5 days, and weak strias on tests, but then monthly.

Prompt what to be created with my embryoses, it can be gineticheskoe? Or something in clinic subtilize? Or, in general, what is it can be? If it is possible, though clear a situation a little.. pozhalujsto..

I though should try still?

At me an obstruction of pipes, a uterus like normal..

In advance thanks!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Stimulation Dekopeptil and IVF-M...

01.09.2004, 19:30
pozhalujsto.. otvettte to me, somebody..

I need to know, whether there is at me a chance.. Can, what nibud analyses gineticheskie it is necessary to hand over?

Help or Assist! To me though, it is possible to try eshe?

Very much I wait..

01.09.2004, 19:30
pozhalujsto! Otvettte to me!

It is very necessary for me!

Very much I ask!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Olesenka!

Really first of all it is necessary for you to carry out research on a karyotype.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks you!

Thanks that have responded!

You think, what, nevertheless I have genetic disturbances? Clinic here niprichem?

I so am afraid.. I live in the country where it is impossible to use donor cells.. If to prove to be true disturbances, then all..

Thanks you, once again!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks you!

Thanks that have responded!

You think, what, nevertheless I have genetic disturbances? Clinic here niprichem?

I so am afraid.. I live in the country where it is impossible to use donor cells.. If to prove to be true disturbances, then all..

Thanks you, once again!

Olesya, greetings, writes to you yours the namesake. Write to me please on leo1810@yahoo.de. I can describe analyses which need to be made. At me a similar problem. I already have passed or have taken place something, but yet all. And in general, it will be together easier to solve these or it probolemy. I shall be glad, if you will respond!