Просмотр полной версии : Spermogramma

01.09.2004, 19:30

Help or Assist, advice or council! After 2 stood beremennostej we again cannot become pregnant. Leaves so - years ber- we wait, and then it or her we lose. I from first marriage have a son. The husband my coeval, but children from other women and beremennostej at it or him were not. To us on 36. I am completely surveyed - the reason and have not found, now here the husband obsdedovalsja. Speak spermogramma in norm or rate. Very much we wish to hear and your authoritative opinion.


The name of parameters rez-O Norm or Rate

Physical -VA

-in in ml 2,0 3,0-3,5

Color of m gray-white

Transparence muddy muddy

Smell norm or rate of colors or flowers of a chestnut

Consistence 30 minutes, rare or infrequent 30 minutes, rare or infrequent

Viscosity (after full r.) norm or rate length of a string of 0,1-0,5 sm

Reaction (rn) 7,8 7,2-7,6

Microscope. Research

-in spermatozoons in 1 ml 160 60-120 million

-in spermatozoons in an ejaculate 320 more 150.


Aktivnopodvizhnyh in % 50 80-90

Slabopodvizhnyh in % 20 10-12

Motionless in % 30 6-10

Staining on Blumu

Alive in % 80 80-90

Dead in % 20 20-10

Morphology of spermatozoons

1. With normal morphology in % 82 80-85

2. Degenerate or degenerative in % 18 20-15

Pathology of a head 10 15

Pathology of a body 4 3-5

Pathology of a tail 4 2-5

Agglutination of spermatozoons +-

Cells of a spermatogenesis in % - 0,5

Erythrocytes - edinichn. In a preparation

Leucocytes 3-4 edinichn. In a preparation

Epithelial cells: urethras - edinichn. In a preparation

Prostates - edinichn. In a preparation

Spermatofagi --

Grains of lipids it is moderated or moderate. Big -in

Crystals Bethera --

Slime --

The parameter of fertility Farrisa 224 is more than 200

Yours faithfully, Ziminy

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Simina! I am far not preverzhenets doimplantatsionnoj diagnostics, but in the given situation she is shown.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctor Kamenetsky!

To you we shall be very grateful, if you explain, what your reference about doimplantatsionnoj to diagnostics means? The matter is that we were surveyed repeatedly (in several clinics) and more anybody at all did not hint about... Implantations. In what the reason of this reference?

Yours faithfully, Ziminy

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Dr. Kamenetsky!

Please, answer my question! What did you mean, speaking about doimplantatsionooj to diagnostics? And more - unfortunately, you and not prokomentirovali spermogrammu, at once having started talking about diagnostics.

With uvazh.,


Dear doctor Kamenetsky!

To you we shall be very grateful, if you explain, what your reference about doimplantatsionnoj to diagnostics means? The matter is that we were surveyed repeatedly (in several clinics) and more anybody at all did not hint about... Implantations. In what the reason of this reference?

Yours faithfully, Ziminy

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Simina!

And more - unfortunately, you and not prokomentirovali spermogrammu

Variant of norm or rate.

In programs of an auxiliary reproduction (an extracorporal fertilization) there is an opportunity of research of chromosomal disturbances of transferable or tolerable embryoses.

It certainly not panacea, however up to 90 % most often meeting chromosomal disturbances (which more often also are the reason not developing beremennostej) can be revealed. The expediency of carrying out of such diagnostics is defined or determined in each case individually.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctor Kamenetsky!

Thanks for your answer. Concerning research of chromosomal disturbances of transferable or tolerable embryoses it would be desirable to learn or find out - what sense in advance to transfer or carry embryoses to an organism, which somewhere!!! In not clear place gives failure. After a currettage of last stood the karyotyping of a chorion has been spent. A karyotyping did or made to us with the husband too. Genetik has told or said, that the reason zamiranija is not connected with chromosomal disturbances. If a healthy embryos to replace to me, he can be lost again for the same reason, as previous. I think, that I agree any implantation - there are no forces more to wait. But categorically against the husband - all should be natural and besides he agrees with genetikom-the reason we and have not found. Leaves I am guilty in sterility or barrenness - but ANYBODY! My fault and who can help or assist me cannot explain in what. To tell the truth, at me slowly, but the inferiority complex and ushcherbnosti confidently develops. Thanks God, there is a son.

With uvazh.

Uv. Simina!

And more - unfortunately, you and not prokomentirovali spermogrammu

Variant of norm or rate.

In programs of an auxiliary reproduction (an extracorporal fertilization) there is an opportunity of research of chromosomal disturbances of transferable or tolerable embryoses.

It certainly not panacea, however up to 90 % most often meeting chromosomal disturbances (which more often also are the reason not developing beremennostej) can be revealed. The expediency of carrying out of such diagnostics is defined or determined in each case individually.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Simina!

Concerning research of chromosomal disturbances of transferable or tolerable embryoses it would be desirable to learn or find out - what sense in advance to transfer or carry embryoses to an organism, which somewhere!!! In not clear place gives failure. After a currettage of last stood the karyotyping of a chorion has been spent. A karyotyping did or made to us with the husband too.

This addition allows to exclude the reason prospective by me, hence and carrying out doimplantatsionnoj diagnostics of an embryos in that case is not shown.

Try to formulate the question in a forum OBSTETRICS since the further demands discussion more *quot; O??O*quot; special knowledge in this area. Probably in a forum such experts are.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks for your answer!

With uvazh.

Uv. Simina!

This addition allows to exclude the reason prospective by me, hence and carrying out doimplantatsionnoj diagnostics of an embryos in that case is not shown.

Try to formulate the question in a forum OBSTETRICS since the further demands discussion more *quot; O??O*quot; special knowledge in this area. Probably in a forum such experts are.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors!

Dear doctor Jacob!

All can to me somebody otvetit-that means presence of agglutination at my spouse. In its or her norm or rate should not be. Cells of a spermatogenesis at it or him are absent, and should be 0,5-2. What is it - we at all do not represent. 50 % aktivnopodvizhnyh spermatozoons on idea balance big -in spermatozoons - we are right? Still time I wish to repeat - children and beremennostej at it or him from other women was not. It or him sputnitsa (up to me) and could not become pregnant in current of 5 years. By the way, now at it or her two children.

Yours faithfully,


QUOTE=Simina] Hello!

Help or Assist, advice or council! After 2 stood beremennostej we again cannot become pregnant. Leaves so - years ber- we wait, and then it or her we lose. I from first marriage have a son. The husband my coeval, but children from other women and beremennostej at it or him were not. To us on 36. I am completely surveyed - the reason and have not found, now here the husband obsdedovalsja. Speak spermogramma in norm or rate. Very much we wish to hear and your authoritative opinion.


The name of parameters rez-O Norm or Rate

Physical -VA

-in in ml 2,0 3,0-3,5

Color of m gray-white

Transparence muddy muddy

Smell norm or rate of colors or flowers of a chestnut

Consistence 30 minutes, rare or infrequent 30 minutes, rare or infrequent

Viscosity (after full r.) norm or rate length of a string of 0,1-0,5 sm

Reaction (rn) 7,8 7,2-7,6

Microscope. Research

-in spermatozoons in 1 ml 160 60-120 million

-in spermatozoons in an ejaculate 320 more 150.


Aktivnopodvizhnyh in % 50 80-90

Slabopodvizhnyh in % 20 10-12

Motionless in % 30 6-10

Staining on Blumu

Alive in % 80 80-90

Dead in % 20 20-10

Morphology of spermatozoons

1. With normal morphology in % 82 80-85

2. Degenerate or degenerative in % 18 20-15

Pathology of a head 10 15

Pathology of a body 4 3-5

Pathology of a tail 4 2-5

Agglutination of spermatozoons +-

Cells of a spermatogenesis in % - 0,5

Erythrocytes - edinichn. In a preparation

Leucocytes 3-4 edinichn. In a preparation

Epithelial cells: urethras - edinichn. In a preparation

Prostates - edinichn. In a preparation

Spermatofagi --

Grains of lipids it is moderated or moderate. Big -in

Crystals Bethera --

Slime --

The parameter of fertility Farrisa 224 is more than 200

Yours faithfully, Ziminy [/QUOTE]