Просмотр полной версии : Please help or assist dear or expensive doctor

01.09.2004, 19:30
:confused: Zdrastvujte the dear doctor.

To me 23 years, to my husband 25. Four years in marriage or spoilage, we suffer sterility or barrenness.

Three years as have seriously borrowed or occupied in inspection and treatment. For this time for the different reasons have changed 6-7 doctors.

Chronologically all over again have diagnosed vosplenie ovaries and Cardnerella. Complex treatment, all signs izchezli has been spent, but pregnancy did not come.

The analysis on Cytomegalovirus - a credit 8 (norm or rate 2). Complex treatment with dekariesem, the credit has decreased up to 5.

Wished to check up pipes, it has appeared, that the uterus is bent to the left and besides rigid so the probe did not pass or take place. Massage (5-6 days) has been made, for 3-4 day of a menses the probe and only is entered after that began to spend a roentgen probably. The answer - pipes are passed or taken place;passable.

Began to trace ovulatsiju.

I shall tell or say zaranie. Analyses of the husband in norm or rate, the test for compatibility - positive. antispermalnye bodies in norm or rate.

According to BT and US an ovulation late - for 21 day of a cycle. A cycle at me constant, from 28 up to 31 days, deviations or rejections any.

Hormonal analyses:

Oestradiolum below norm or rate - 21,3, DGEA above - 10,9. 17 above - 15.

Saw deksametazol three months

All rest, also as well as all analyses on an infection in norm or rate. And all has been made.

Began to spend stimulation Klostilbegitom, HG and Djufastonom (or Utrozhestan). promajalas year: follicular cysts, an ovulation from force three times and that in doubt (as a rule BT did not rise in time but only after acceptance Djufastona). Two times hyperstimulation developed.

Has gone on Loparaskapiju. Results have shaken or amazed: a full obstruction of pipes, solderings in a small basin, utolshchennaja a capsule of ovaries, solderings, solderings and more time of soldering, naznachitelnye points of an endometriosis

The doctor has told or said, that with such status he more likely would conceive; what is it result or inflammations or what nibud infections; that now all OK also it is necessary to live simply. Any medikomentov it has not been registered.

Now the third month after operation. Two months passed or took place follikulometriju. One follicle developed In the first month well, but independently has not bursted, has reached or achieved 26 and for 16-th day of a cycle after acupuncture was gone, BT has not risen. For the second month was three follicles, but developed weakly, have not grown, after iglo izchezli, BT has not risen. For the third month used stimulation, have developed, have stuck for 13 day HG, in current 4 days put needles, has bursted only for 18-th day, BT has risen, a free liquid, vnutrenie ehostruktury, endometry 0,7 though reached up to 1,2 earlier, it is appointed or nominated Utrozhestan vnutrivaginalno, 4 in day.

You will advise to undertake what steps on that case if and this month nothing will turn out?

Whether to do or make a biopsy endometrija?

Whether it is necessary to me to receive medical treatment? How? Can have a drink Regulon?

What do you think about so-called Second Look-the Second laporoskapii?

How you estimate or appreciate my chances?

Excuse for a vast statement, I wait the vast answer.

I write from Armenia.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Yana_1!

Unfortunately, proceeding from data of your report, at you not t other variants, except for eko. Any follikulometry, measurements of basal temperature and other researches to do or make it is not necessary. It only remote resheshenie your problem.