Просмотр полной версии : Please, consult

01.09.2004, 19:30

My name is Light, 26 years. Since recent time I had a hope that it is possible for something to correct. At me endocrine sterility or barrenness, an amenorrhea. Earlier I lived in Belarus, and my gynecologist to me has advised to reconcile as to do or make anything, like, it was impossible. Now I live in France, have found the gynecologist who has spent series of inspections: on hormones (all is lowered), on permeability (all is excellent or different, forms and the sizes of organs in norm or rate), still any analyses both at me and at the husband. Now I wait for an occurring with the endocrinologist, with which we and shall solve what to do or make. As, according to my gynecologist, it is necessary "to start" my hormones without which there can not be an ovulation in job. It is artificial these hormones to deliver in an organism senselessly. Here there is any pomp which somehow pulses, and the organism under its or her accompaniment begins the hormonal job. I explain to you very much on-, excuse, but I not the expert. I ask you to comment on my situation. What it is possible to make? How it is possible "to get" or start" a pituitary body what hormonal treatment exists? Really I have any chances? Whether variant EKO with donnorskoj an ootid is real for me? Whether can take place though any variant to become pregnant / to bear or take out the child in my case? Yours faithfully,


01.09.2004, 19:30
At extremely approximate statement of a situation it is possible to assume sledujushchee-at you it is diagnosed gipogonadotropnyj a hypogonadism gipotilamicheskogo a genesis and will work with so-called tsiklomatom-pulsing introduction subthalamic rilizing - a hormone for gonadotrophic hormones of a pituitary body. The method in this or that updating is used from the beginning of 80th years.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Esperance! I can add Galina Afanasevny's answer only. At absence of effect from spent therapy carrying out eko with use of a donor ootid is possible or probable.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I thank you for a prompt reply. About it or this I also wished to learn or find out. In French the version about a pulsing pomp seem to me not clear absolutely. I have not found anything in the Internet about it or her. My gynecologist has told or said, that this pomp in France have ceased to do or make (there is no necessity. Probably, one I such here..). I hope, that the occurring with the endocrinologist will throw light on this pomp.

Can be at you is *quot; under OO*quot; links to addresses where it is possible to familiarize with this method more in detail?

Thanks huge once again for the answer.


P.S. And more one question. He will seem to you, probably, silly. But I shall ask, as it is nobody me more. EKO with a donor ootid - development and vynashivanie should proceed under hormonal stimulation or something in this sort? In fact my organism cannot make it or this? Excuse once again for amateurishness.

01.09.2004, 19:30
P.S. And more one question. He will seem to you, probably, silly. But I shall ask, as it is nobody me more. EKO with a donor ootid - development and vynashivanie should proceed under hormonal stimulation or something in this sort? In fact my organism cannot make it or this? Excuse once again for amateurishness.

On early durations of gestation - yes.