Просмотр полной версии : EKO. Why from 12 were impregnated only 4????

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello dear Boris Aleksandrovich! I hope, that you had fine a rest and at once will throw all the business or affairs which have collected during your absence and begin to answer questions :)

Thankful in advance to you for the answer.

We are surveyed 2 years.

Semen at the husband in the full order.

I went to the doctor in current of 3 months by means of US to check, whether there is an ovulation. Yes, occurs or happens, problems with it or this are not present, one year ago did or made a laparoscopy (she has been combined with research of a uterus), result - that's all right, pipes are passed or taken place;passable, any anomalies it is not revealed. Then of the center of a reproduction the doctor suspected, that is possible or probable at us with the husband incompatibility and its or his spermatozoons become motionless, getting on shejku uteruses. We have made 4 AI - without results. Now we do or make EKO. Yesterday there was a puncture and it was possible to win 12 ootids, all according to the doctor of excellent or different quality. But today to us have called from clinic and have informed, that were impregnated only 4.

Tell or Say to me, please, why so a little??? Whether Is it the index on any problems?:confused:

According to statistics of clinic where we pass or take place treatment, on the average percent or interest of impregnated or fertilized ootids - 60-70.

Whether such result will help or assist (approximately 30 % in our case) to us to reveal the reason of our sterility or barrenness or about what it is impossible to tell or say only because of so small percent or interest???:confused:

I addressed to you for advice or council after carrying out of a laparoscopy, and you perfectly have responded me, that the diagnosis - pipes are passed or taken place;passable - at all does not mean permeability of pipes for an ootid, I therefore have been assured, that with a fertilization just problems should not be, time presumably a problem in an obstruction of pipes.

I know, that correspondence consultations will not replace internal visit to the doctor which to me it is necessary, but me so important to receive from you the answer.

Yours faithfully


P.S. Comrades-girls, share experience who did or made EKO at whom how much from the won ootids were impregnated, I am somehow depressed by result though I understand that is better 4 of 12, than in general anything

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Svetlana!

Yesterday there was a puncture and it was possible to win 12 ootids, all according to the doctor of excellent or different quality. But today to us have called from clinic and have informed, that were impregnated only 4.

Tell or Say to me, please, why so a little??? Whether Is it the index on any problems?:confused:

Yes, is. The fertilization less than 50 % can be regarded as low. The most frequent reason is quality of the received ootids, which quality (despite of assurances of your doctor) it is complex or difficult enough to estimate or appreciate objectively (excepting any extreme situations).

The second, most frequent reason, this disturbance of morphology of spermatozoons.

Whether such result will help or assist (approximately 30 % in our case) to us to reveal the reason of our sterility or barrenness or about what it is impossible to tell or say only because of so small percent or interest???:confused:

The question is not absolutely clear, but assume the reason of so low fertilization probably experts of clinic can.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Boris, thanks for the answer!

I am amazed or struck, actually by your answer as in clinic where I pass or take place treatment, the expert has explained to me, that a semen and ootids everyone were simply super, and that why were impregnated less than 50 % knows nobody, and cannot know and on what is it does not specify, as soon as on ours with the husband possible or probable incompatibility.

Analyses of a semen were always very good.

I really somehow have not clearly written the second question to the, I would like to ask you, whether it is possible to improve somehow quality of ootids, or in each cycle results of quality of ootids can be various and depends on the chosen scheme or plan of stimulation?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Svetlana!

I really somehow have not clearly written the second question to the, I would like to ask you, whether it is possible to improve somehow quality of ootids, or in each cycle results of quality of ootids can be various and depends on the chosen scheme or plan of stimulation?

As a rule, the scheme or plan of stimulation considerably changes nothing, though it is impossible and to exclude, that such approach will give a positive effect.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Boris, thanks you for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether it is necessary to apply next time in case of such low interest of the impregnated ootids IKSI instead of usual EKO?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether it is necessary to apply next time in case of such low interest of the impregnated ootids IKSI instead of usual EKO?

Yes, costs or stands.