Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Respond, please, to a question. Within three month...

31.08.2004, 03:21
Hello the doctor! Respond, please, to a question. Within three months I take basal temperature. In the first days of a cycle the temperature varies from 36, 5 36, 7, then for 11 day sharply falls up to 36, 0 so 2 3 days keep and then very slowly rises up to 37, 0 37, 2 and pass monthly, again decreases. Whether speaks it about what nibud to a hormonal failure or I have a chance to become pregnant? (the first labors it is unsuccessful have ended, in connection with an abortion on 28 29 week, were protected year, and now all I can not become pregnant in any way)

Soboleva L.I.
01.09.2004, 19:21
Hello, Raisa! At you the normal schedule of basal temperature. From the endocrine point of view you can quite become pregnant.