Просмотр полной версии : Delay in some days. I wish to make abortion! What will advise? mini-abor...

31.08.2004, 20:14
Delay in some days. I wish to make abortion!
What will advise? mini-abortion or Lekartsvennyj abortion (Mifegil). What probability of complications in that and other case?

01.09.2004, 10:38
Can, will think, whether it is necessary to do or make it in general. In fact really it is not known, what will be consequences. At menja-10 years of sterility or barrenness.

01.09.2004, 16:18
I the doctor, but not the gynecologist. Unfortunately, too I face to a problem of a choice.
Asked questions on sites of several clinics where use mifegin about comparative efficiency and safety mifegina and mini-abortion. Gde-that yet have not responded, gde-that have written, that such data have no.
It was necessary to search for the answer most.
In Medlajne has found results of several researches on a subject interesting me (for those who does not know - links to various serious clinical researches there are published in various areas of medicine, www. nih. nlm. gov/).
The information following:
Necessity for the subsequent carrying out of a currettage (iz-for incomplete excisions of a fetal egg):
After reception mifegina arose in 5, 4 % of cases, after a vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion) - in 2, 4 %,
In other research: after reception mifegina - in 16 % of cases, after mini-abortion - in 4 % of cases.
However, at teenagers frequency of incomplete abortion after reception mifegina was only 1, 7 %, therefore, at this category of patients he is offered to be preferred.
Duration of a bleeding:
On the average after reception mifegina - 14 days, after mini-abortion - 9 days. Reception of hormonal contraceptive preparations after abortion did not influence duration of a bleeding.
After reception mifegina by-effects (the bleeding, a nausea, a vomiting) arose more often.
And still: after reception mifegina the fervescence, an infection was less often marked or celebrated that is. Absence of introduction in a cavity of the uterus of surgical instruments is big plus. And not only iz-for possible or probable infections. Expansion of the channel shejki uteruses at mini-abortion is spent just as at usual. Procedure the extremely morbid, therefore, - visible, the narcosis is necessary.
And more very important result: in two years after abortion of differences between patients transferred or carried mini-abortion and accepted mifegin on the general or common state of health, frequency of sterility or barrenness, and psychological problems was not. It turns out, that finally - result the same.
Once again I shall repeat, that I not the gynecologist. The experience at me is not present. It would be desirable to learn or find out opinion of the independent, not interested expert. If application mifegina is put on a commercial basis, I am afraid, that the "interested" experts can ignore much.
And more, in all clinical researches which are mentioned above, after purpose or appointment mifepristona (mifegina) appointed or nominated the second prerarat - analogue of Prostaglandinum (mizoprostol) which causes reductions of a uterus and excision of an embryos. It should be too very dear or expensive preparation, how expensively there is other analogue of Prostaglandinum - vazaprostan. On one site did not read, that in our clinics too used a combination of two preparations. Hence, if it so efficiency mifegina can differ that is specified above, and, I am afraid, what not in the best party or side.