Просмотр полной версии : Boris Aleksandrovich! To Me of 29 years. Has passed or has taken place EKO-IKSI in September. Result otr...

31.08.2004, 08:21
Boris Aleksandrovich! To Me of 29 years. Has passed or has taken place EKO-IKSI in September. Result negative. Sterility or barrenness owing to the tubal factor. Both pipes are removed. On segodn. The moment a status of a uterus and ovaries by way of on r-there laparoscopies. Garmony (FSG, etc.) during and before the program not zdavala. In r-those programs 6 oocytes and 3 embryoses have been received. The doctor has told or said, that the reason neud. EKO to name very difficultly and that a level garmonov is absolute on current of the program does not influence in any way. But I on a forum see that vse-taki these analyses zdajutsja and make sense. Tell or say them to supervise it is necessary or not? If yes that what garmony is necessary zdat by preparation for a trace. EKO? Thankful in advance

Kamenetskij B.A.
01.09.2004, 09:54
The most important (informative) are data on level FSG, PRL, TTG. At presence of indications probably purpose or appointment of some hormones.