Просмотр полной версии : At 37 years or summer not given birth or not travailled women analyses have shown: - The Virus papilomy chelove...

28.08.2004, 08:48
At 37 years or summer not given birth or not travailled women analyses have shown:
- The Virus papilomy the person 16
- biovary ureaplasmas T - 960
- Leptotriks
- Absence laktobaktery
- Erosion shejki uteruses

Hormonal background on 7 day of a menstrual cycle:
- Testosteron-Depotum 11, 0 nmol/l
- Oestradiolum 70, 0 pg/ml
- degidroepiandrosteron-Zinci sulfas (DGEA-) 0, 2 mkg/ml

What the most effective treatment (Flagylum has not helped or assisted) can be?
What sequence of treatment should be chosen?
What problems erosion shejki can render uteruses if the woman assumes to give birth or travail the nearest 2 3 years?
Whether pregnancy and a birth of the healthy child is possible or probable at such diagnosis?
Whether there is a necessity for correcting a hormonal background by reception garmonov (if yes, what hormones)?
What consequences can be if to not apply hormones (such hormonal background was in current long - a little let-time?

Malanova T.B.
31.08.2004, 21:31
Anything especial at you it is not revealed, however, treatment does not undersign in absentia.