Просмотр полной версии : Pseudo-erosion

30.08.2004, 15:48
Hello. Extensive pseudo-erosion is diagnosed for me shejki uteruses (cicatrixes from sewn up razryvo SHM in sorts or labors are palpated). Survey and analyses have shown, that suspicions on an oncology are not present, infections too are not present. The colposcopy is spent. The doctor offers diatermrkonizatsiju uteruses " to not come back more to this question ". But iz-for a plenty of possible or probable complications of this kind of an intervention, and also because I am am disturbed from time to time with heart (a pain as " kola in heart " behind a breast bone, removed or taken out only Nitroglycerinum), I would like that it there was a laser coagulation. Whether have sense my fears or in case of greater or big sizes of erosion diatermokonizatsija nevertheless is more preferable. To me 41 year. The first labors were 19 years ago (after them and there was an erosion), the second - 8 years ago.

31.08.2004, 16:30
At a combination of pseudo-erosion to cicatrical deformation shejki uteruses it is shown konizatsija, in some cases spend also reconstructively-regenerative operations on shejke uteruses. At simple coagulation the probability of relapse because of the broken or disturbed anatomy shejki is great, therefore your doctors are right.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.