Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Prompt please That worse for a female organism abortion and...

27.08.2004, 00:12
Hello! Prompt please That worse for a female organism abortion or an abortion? And what consequences? In advance thanks.

28.08.2004, 15:26
Katya! If you choose a way to get rid of not planned pregnancy, certainly abortion. As all the same after an abortion will "clean", t. To. Something can remain and it is the same procedure, as at abortion. But also abortion and vykidysh-it is bad for an organism and has set otr. Consequences. To solve to you... But it is better to leave as est-desperate situations does not happen (prostite-this my opinion).

29.08.2004, 06:59
Cleaning = abortion absolutely agrees with Alenoj, an abortion =! If term big, and by that you lead the conversation on an abortion it so it is necessary to go to the expert and in common to make a decision, here on a site everyone will be solidary with Alenoj, leave pregnancy if is though tiny chance to leave. I know history, about the girl which "have not noticed" the pregnancy up to a deadline when abortion already is impossible, was excruciated by your ideas, BUT as a result have left pregnancy and to the kid already 1, 5, she speaks the God has allocated or removed from an incorrect step.

31.08.2004, 12:29
Dear Katya! Both phenomena can negatively affect or negatively have an effect on the further genesial function of the woman, but abortion you do or make voluntary, and the abortion happens at presence of those or other diseases. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.