Просмотр полной версии : Dear, the Doctor! Prompt, please, as often it is necessary to do or make a break...

29.08.2004, 14:20
Dear, the Doctor! Prompt, please, as often it is necessary to do or make breaks at reception OK?

Soboleva L.I.
30.08.2004, 03:02
Dear polina! At reception OK there is no necessity to do or make breaks, it is necessary only time in half a year to pass or take place routine inspection at the gynecologist. If you suffer chronic diseases, necessity for breaks is defined or determined by the attending physician.

30.08.2004, 19:28
http: // www. pereplet. ru/text/medved9. html

Irina Medvedev and Tatyana Shishov


All since the childhood know to us, that new medicines all over again test for animals. And only having convinced of comparative safety and unconditional advantage or benefit of these medicines, give their people. Hardly someone from readers would began to accept a preparation, having learned or having found out, that experimental dogs and monkeys " have not sustained clinical tests. " Simply speaking, peredohli.

And as though you have concerned to that, having received so "encouraging" results, experimenters, nichtozhe sumnjashesja, send or have passed... On people? Likely, would assume, what it is a question of experiences of doctors of the Third Reich?

But these data we subtracted or deducted at all in documents Njurenbergskogo of process, and in " Demographic reports " American University it or him. John Gopkinsa, published as appears from the text on the first page, at support of Agency of the USA on the international development. In the report it is told about inektsionnyh contraceptives. It is possible to make only one nyxis and some months to not be afraid to become pregnant. Very conveniently, yes here a trouble: Management under the control over products and medicines of the USA (UKPL the USA) the whole 25 years, with 1967 for 1992, did not allow to apply these agents in the United States America. Results of experiences on monkeys and dogs did not like them - at poor creatures tumours roughly developed.

But contraceptive firms did not despond. In total in 3 years after ineffectual submission of the first application in the USA, in 1970 not approved preparation was zaregestrirovan in Thailand, and with 1975 it or him have started to distribute widely there within the limits of the national program of planning of family. And now nearby 12 million women in developing countries apply inektsionnye the contraceptives, so not liked to dogs and monkeys. In Thailand such desperate already 12 %.

However, there was one unpleasant contradiction: opponents of racism net-are not present and reminded courageous experimenters, that the contraceptive nyxes successfully applied by them in the countries with the color population, in the USA are forbidden. But in 1992 this misunderstanding has been settled. The world organization of public health services (CART), become by then one of strongholds of planning of family, has presented certain " the epidemiological proofs confirming that fact, that response of a human body to influence of hormones differs from the reaction observable at animals ". And therefore " UKPL the USA more does not demand, that contraceptive hormones passed or took place check on cancerogenic effect in experiments on dogs of breed bigl ". So for health sobachek it is possible to not worry any more.

And here for health of the Russian women to worry enough, in our opinion, costs or stands, in fact inektsionnye and other " medicines for children " now propagandize contraceptives everywhere: in numerous newspapers and magazines, in out-patient departments and female consultations, by radio and television. And everywhere inspire, what is it conveniently, effectively, it is accessible. And the main thing, well, absolutely safely! There Is even a brochure which and is called " do not worry! Hormonal contraception ". She is let out or released RAPSom (by Russian Association " Planning of family ") circulation in 105 thousand (!) copies.

And it is valid, not all are excited with demographic crisis in Russia. And the moral aspect of a problem anxious far not each woman. Especially in a youth when it would be desirable " to be for itself ", not colliding or facing with set of difficulties which inevitably come together with children.

Well, let's talk about contraception from positions of " healthy egoism of the woman ". (Such concept the oldest seks-revoljutsionerka tried to enter into domestic use E.Lahova. She even suggested to declare or announce 1997 " year of healthy egoism of the woman ", meaning under it or this rough pleasures of " safe sex ". But the public response to its or her offer has not followed. " Unfortunately, the Russian women do not wish to be sterilized ", - a year later has ingenuously complained, acting in the State Duma, the president of the Russian Association " Planning of family " the academician of Russian Academy of Medical Science of Century I.Kulakov.)

So, we shall open the brochure mentioned above " do not worry! " And we shall look in parallel in the materials which have been not intended by "schedulers" for general public. In the same " Demographic reports " University it or him. Gopkinsa and in the book prof. I.A.Manuilovoj " Modern contraceptive agents ".

" Hormonal contraception, - affirms in the brochure " do not worry! " - one of the most reliable and safe methods... In modern preparations of a dose are lowered in some times, therefore complications practically do not happen... The international experts or auditeurs who constantly carry out large-scale researches, have come to conclusion, that modern preparations do not render harmful influence on an organism ".

Now we shall look or see, that on this bill writes prof. Manuilova. In its or her book is even special podglavka which and is called " Collateral reactions and complications at reception OK ". Here only some of the by-effects listed by the author: a giddiness, a vomiting, an obesity, depressions, zhelchekamennaja illness or disease, cramps of legs or foots, a hypertonia, a thrombophlebitis, an abdominal distention, a neurodermite, an icterus, a pulmonary embolism, sterility or barrenness and even, imagine, a baldness. The hypertonia, a cloelithiasis concern to later complications, hematencephalons, disturbances of vision a myocardial infarction (the mortality raises or increases in 3, 5 times). Similar, international experts or auditeurs from them " large-scale researches " something have not watched...

But we shall go further and we shall look or see podglavku " Indications and contraindications ". First of all in her the most important postulate denying vigorous advertising of contraceptives of new generation contains: "... It is established or installed, that modern most effective methods of contraception... HAVE MUCH MORE CONTRAINDICATIONS, than ineffective... " e. The more reliably, the more harmfully.

" To ABSOLUTE contraindications, - warns I.A.Manuilova, - following diseases which are available for the woman now concern to purpose or appointment OK or were in the anamnesis (t. e. In the past - a comment avt.): 1) tromboembolicheskie diseases; 2) lesions of vascular system of a brain; 3) malignant tumours of genesial system and mammary glands; 4) disturbance of function of a liver, a cirrhosis. It is not necessary to appoint or nominate OK to women who in the anamnesis had a serious toxicosis of second half of pregnancy, a cholestatic icterus, a herpes or an itch during pregnancy, depressions, an asthma, an epilepsy or there is a hypertensia (diastolic pressure more than 90 100 mm hg), Falciformly or Falcularly - a cellular anemia, giperlipedemija, a diabetes mellitis, a rheumatic heart disease, psychosises, an otosclerosis. The risk of development of complications at women with an obesity, a prediabetes, disturbance of a menstrual cycle or acyclic bleedings of an obscure etiology, a myoma of a body of the womb, diseases of kidneys, a migraine, a mononucleosis in the anamnesis is raised or increased... A relapsing calculous cholecystitis, and also at smoking... " In other place the author still names an allergy and a varicose phlebectasia. Also adds, that the age is more senior than 35 years is an additional risk factor.

Tell or Say, whether will be women who do not fall UNDER ONE of the listed categories much? Unless teenagers. At them few sores are valid, as a rule. Though allergikov and among them it is enough. And everyone smokes now almost devushka-the teenager. But rapsovtsev it does not excite. " It is possible to apply tablets and to teenagers with the established or installed menstrual cycle, - it is readable in the brochure " do not worry! " - their reception helps or assists to get rid of pains during a menses and a premenstrual malaise. " And more: "... Application of these preparations is one of the best agents of treatment of acnes at devochek-teenagers ". Represent, what is lethal argument pro for the little girl, at which age spots and which is ready to get rid of them at any cost?!

About spots the question remains opened or open. At least, Manuilova, on the contrary, specifies them as on one of by-effects. She them, the truth, elegantly names "akne", but it only scientific terminology, the essence remains constant. As if to teenagers she carries them to group of risk and adds: " At purpose or appointment OK teenagers should mean, that there are reports on interrelation between long reception OK at early teenage age and late development of a cancer of a mammary gland ".

Not is better business or affairs and with inektsionnymi contraceptives - those about which there was a speech in the beginning of clause or article are. If you remember, dogs bigl were from them not in delight. And no wonder, in fact by-effects from contraceptive nyxes though take away. Even from " Demographic reports " Un-that it or him. Gopkinsa, editions more than loyal to " to medicines for children ", appears, that inektsionnye contraceptives can lead to bleedings. " Within the first year the normal menstrual cycle is observed only at 10 % of women. Women... Should be ready to that in the first 6 months of application of a preparation at them irregular bleedings can be observed. And then, the next 6 months and further - rare or infrequent bleedings or an amenorrhea " (t. e. The full termination or discontinuance monthly - a comment avt.). " In some cases of a bleeding can be such plentiful and long, that... It is required to render a specialized medical care ". Yes... kak-that not so turns out with " healthy egoism of the woman "... Not only that plentiful bleedings weaken, so also unobstructed love joys for the sake of which a kitchen garden fenced, become, to put it mildly, inconvenient. Anyway, rather unappetizing.

Does not add appeal and a possible or probable obesity which in " Demographic reports " tactfully name " augmentation of mass of a body ". At the some people (certainly, not at all) " mass of a body " have increased for a year for 13 kg. Another has carried little bit more. " In three-year research of preparation Mesigyna it has been revealed, that from one third of the women, using by this agent, the mass of a body has increased from 3 up to 8 kg. " Can, to women of Thailand, many of which chronically undereat, " augmentation of mass of a body " only to the face. And here many western potrebitelnits hormonal kontratsepivov tongue does not turn to name women - so they are spoiled by the completeness. We, by the way, only now have understood, whence there such quantity or amount of the quaggy, swelled, barrel fat women which it is not clear as move, not that are betraid to " safe sex ".

About serdechno-vascular diseases, Diabetum, strong headaches, giddinesses and a vomiting, and also " signs which can cause development of an insult ", we shall longly not extend. Here approximately the same picture, as with hormonal tablets, but adjusted for greater or big efficiency. (remember at Manuilovoj: " the most effective methods of contraception... Have much more contraindications, than ineffective "?) we shall better stop on something new. For example, on a ramollissement of an osteal tissue, - scientific named by "osteoporosis".

Everyone know, that bones are easily fractured at old men. It often leads to fracture shejki the femurs, guaranteeing deep physical inability up to the extremity or end of a life. And so, contraceptive nyxes can provoke fracture shejki femurs in 25, 30, 40 years! In one New Zealand research it is spoken, that inektsionnye contraceptives increase or enlarge risk of osteal fractures by 10 15 % (!) Well, good women of easy or light;mild behaviour... For them this risk, it is possible to tell or say, professional. But it is simple so, for the sake of art... The right, is not necessary.

By the way, there is one contraindication which can be considered and to professional women of easy virtue. Apologety hormonal contraception, as a rule, about itself hold back. But sometimes vse-taki blab out. " Ovaries at reception of oral contraceptives, - writes Manuilova, - decrease in sizes... Also look like, characteristic for ovaries of women in a menopause " (t. e. At a climacterium - a comment avt.) And here even more certain statement. Certain because Rudykinu belongs to the opponent of " safe sex ", to the gynecologist. " What will be if to suppress an output or exit of air from lungs, movement of a blood in vessels? And hormonal contraceptives are applied often not one month, and years. All this time the organism does not carry out the normal functions. In due course the quantity or amount of sexual hormones starts to decrease. Ovaries decrease in sizes, their vessels are narrowed, the delivery is broken, they cannot work as before. The Same occurs or happens in all departments of sexual system. All organism comes to a senility, quickly grows old. After the termination or discontinuance of reception of hormonal contraceptives on hormonal system strong blow too is striked. Now the organism tries to return to an initial status WHICH TO FIND CAN not " ANY MORE (it is allocated by us - avt.). Usually after such shocks he finally goes wrong ".

We hope, you understand, that ageing of internal organs (especially such important as ovaries) inevitably affects appearance of women. It both a rugosity skin, and the extinct eyes, both the grown dull hair and fingernails or nails. Whether not therefore, despite of advanced achievements of a cosmetology, the western women so often look or appear is more senior than the years? Not movie stars and top-models, and ordinary women whom you meet in streets of Germany or France. In fact it is enough even times to visit abroad to be convinced: a cock-and-bull stor about fine looking or appearing, eternally young inostrankah is a typical myth. One of many with which we were fed with last decades.

Especially morbid subject for avocates of " safe sex " are tumours. They literally from a skin climb, assuring, that GK not only do not cause or cause oncologic diseases, and even opposite, promote treatment from these or it. But in the review prepared by National Institute of the Cancer (USA), it is spoken, that for women the risk of disease by a cancer of a mammary gland on 20 % above is younger than 35 years drunk contraceptive tablets. And researches of the British scientists draw even less consolatory picture: at women till 36 years, accepting GK 4 8 years on end, the risk to be ill with a cancer of a mammary gland increases on 40 %, and at those who professed " safe sex " over 8 years - up to 70 %.

And Manuilova it is compelled or forced to recognize, that GK increase or enlarge probability of an adenoma of a liver in 10 20 times. However the brochure " do not worry! " On such trifles of attention does not turn. More than that, in her tablets " Diane-35 " are vigorously advertised or promoted. For ignorant

We explain: in 1994 iz-for this preparation in Germany noisy scandal as after 20 years of its or his existence in the market it was found out has burst, that he raises or increases risk of a cancer of a breast. In Germany the preparation, naturally, has been forbidden. Well, and Russia with it or him to poison or persecute, - visible, harmlessly.

As if to contraceptive injections we offer you pair citations from " Demographic reports ". " When within first five years after the beginning of use at women the cancer of a mammary gland does not develop, in the further they are not exposed to the raised or increased risk. " In translation or transfer from casuistic tongue on human it means: if in first five years has not died - you have a chance to survive. And the second citation, not less worthy: " That fact, that the augmentation of risk is peculiar to the women, recently started to use... Gives the basis to believe, that can accelerate body height of already existed tumours, instead of to transform healthy cells in cancer. " Here it is the argument! Following similar logic, Rodion Raskolnikov could tell or say on court in the justification, that he did not kill the old woman, at it or her and so was predynsultnoe a status, and impact by an axe on a head has simply accelerated this fatal process.

But what all of us about sad yes about sad? Whether it is time to cheer up and recollect, that business not only in " safe sex ". Children as "schedulers" speak, should be only healthy and desired. And " healthy and desired " always it is used together. As if if desired, necessarily healthy. And healthy happen only desired. And as " children at will, instead of occasionally " (too "planirovochnoe" a cliche) turn out as a result of competent use of contraceptives, it will be logical to assume, that the above-stated agents are harmless to the planned posterity. In the brochure " do not worry! " On this bill are expressed unequivocally: " health of the future posterity of a tablet do not influence. " It is told or said as it is cut off. Really the Roman simplicity and clearness of style. There are no questions.

Or... Nevertheless the pair shy voprosikov arises in obremennoj the previous knowledge to a head? Why on health of future mother contraceptives influence very much even negatively, and health of posterity - well, in any way? In fact harmful substances tend to collect in an organism and, accordingly, will poison a fetus. And then, the woman with the undermined health is completely not necessarily capable to bear and give birth or take out and give birth to the healthy child. Imagine devochku-the teenager which, following advice or councils of this or thus or similar - to it or him;them nest - brochures begins numbers of years in 15, and even in 13, to accept contraceptive tablets. First from spots. Then " to enjoy own sexuality ". Also accepts their years 10 15 successively. (Well, in fact " breaks in reception to do or make it is undesirable! " - our liked brochure warns.) In what status there will be an organism of this poor fellow when she at last will ripen up to an idea about " healthy and desired "? Body height of sterility or barrenness (which as we already wrote, often it is caused or causes by hormonal contraceptives) - the fact well-known. As well as augmentation of number of not full-term children (that directly is connected with health of women). But there are also more exotic pathologies which could not hold back even " Demographic reports " Un-that Gopkinsa. The research spent in Thailand, has revealed, that children born by women, used contraceptive nyxes, " have a high probability of presence of additional fingers or a disadvantage of fingers... And chromosomal defects ". In other research influence of such nyxes within one month up to or after conception " almost doubles risk of a birth of children with low mass of a body and, probably, partly causes rising risk of a neonatal mortality more than twice ".

In general as it was sung in there is no time popular pesenke, " think, solve ".

We at last shall talk about animals. To sustain a sketch in elegant style of a rondo. Remember we began with monkeys and dogs? And we shall finish history about a cat.

Recently one doctor living in Samara, has told to us as he has gone to buy contraceptives for the kiski - too she was roughly made multiple copies. He has already made happy with kittens of everyone whom could, and on the market to go intelligent education did not allow. But the saleswoman (too, probably, yet up to the extremity or end having like rynochno-advertising ideology) has asked to him a unexpected question:

- And you know, what animals die of these tablets earlier?

He did not know. Also has solved, that it is better to learn to trade in kittens.