Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon the dear doctor! From people in the age of often it is possible to hear, that...

26.08.2004, 14:22
Good afternoon the dear doctor! From people in the age of often it is possible to hear, that it is impossible for pregnant women citron fruit and juices though the gynecologist about it nothing spoke. Tell or say, so vse-taki it is possible to consume citron juices and fruit or not? (At me 13 week, problems yet were not.) thanks.

26.08.2004, 18:24
Hello Light! Doctors here do not happen! They come only on gynecologists simply. And about citrus my doctor spoke what to take a great interest or be fond it is not necessary. Though from ONE LOBE of an orange in a week or kruzhochka the lemon of special harm will not be. I so at illness or disease only also was rescueed or saved;salvaged by a lemon in fact tablets even worse. Less alergichnye Lemons oranges are stronger, and tangerines at all does not cost or stand. And more it is impossible to eat skins from them. Success to you!

27.08.2004, 11:34
Svetlana, how much or as far as I has understood, you most do not have allergy on citrus. It is big plus. I hope, with the daddy you asked mum, whether there was someone from native predisposed to citrus. I agree with Anna, and its or her references. Now while you only are pregnant, you can eat practically everything, and that is impossible for you or that is possible in the limited quantities or amounts, your doctor should tell or say. Remember, that you should not overeat at all, as though you would not like it or this. Fat nutrition ogranichte. The delivery will need to be given special strict attention to you after sorts or labors, from first days of feeding. Because whereas time also it will be extremely important to supervise itself by way of a delivery any allergeno-provoking products, such as oranges, a strawberry and t. Item If mum obestsja that or during feeding by a breast as a rule on this product the child in a consequence also will have an allergy. About it or this, Svetlana, remember. And in general I would recommend to you to call to Andrey Ivanovichu Serkovu 542 0771 and, having told or said, that under the reference to ask it or him about that juice (the improving juice most popular in the world) which he especially suggests to drink pregnant women that the female organism has easier transferred or carried all tests without possible or probable complications. Responses of those who has already given birth, very good. A toxicosis, heartburns and anemias and other problems practically at anybody were not, or were very insignificant. In general, I recommend, will not regret. By the way, this juice drink specially at allergies. I already have started to drink the fourth bottle. He tasty or delicious, with interesting aroma. Good to you of health and easy or light;mild sorts or labors! Olga

29.08.2004, 09:59
And even less allergichen a grapefruit. I with the daughter of did not limit, then up to 3 h years sat on the most severe diet though in a sort allergikov is not present. Now the second pregnancy and on citrus does not pull something! Though from one orange nothing will be valid. As it is not necessary to take a great interest or be fond in nuts and natural chocolate. And still I sin on vitamins for pregnant women, the last pregnancy drank or saw constantly, now I am limited only to Acidum folicum (at least while, at me approximately 10 weeks).

30.08.2004, 18:42
Light, if at you never was allergies (and strongly pronounced at relatives) - citrus to eat it is possible, and in some cases even it is necessary. It is just necessary to know when to stop. If kogda-nibud it will strongly want to you of an orange - nothing happens, if you them will eat at once pieces 3. The main thing to not take a great interest or be fond in them all pregnancy. Try to lean on dried apricots, raisin and nuts more. From greens - a parsley and spinach. Vitamin C can be gathered from kivi (if start to fall or be ill - at once eat pair pieces). Juice of a grapefruit is very useful. It is better to diversify juices to not prefer one. And it is now full of fruit, apples, a cherry, soon will plums, already there are apricots. While there is time - eat alive vitamins. In the autumn necessarily start to accept Polyvitaminums, t. To. During this period the organism starts to test their deficiency. Success.