Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Having handed over analyses on crop have found out stafilokok. The doctor has told or said, that...

20.08.2004, 11:41
Good afternoon! Having handed over analyses on crop have found out stafilokok. The doctor has told or said, what is it result weakened or easied imuniteta. Have registered epigen an intim. Prompt what better to eat and drink for restoration imuniteta. And what your opinion on medicine Epigen of intimas. Thanks

Malanova T.B.
22.08.2004, 18:41
Epigen the intim is not used for treatment of a staphylococcal infection.

26.08.2004, 10:17
Spsibo. And what you mozhite to advise?

Malanova T.B.
29.08.2004, 20:54
Treatment is appointed or nominated only on reception.