Просмотр полной версии : C please iz-for what pregnant women die during sorts or labors more often...

Fence Sinitsyn
26.08.2004, 10:52
C please iz-for what pregnant women die during sorts or labors more often and how to avoid it or this?
That can what prophylaxis or what that special inspection?

26.08.2004, 15:00
And from what have taken, what women often die at sorts or labors? Bosh what.

27.08.2004, 16:39
And my good friend - the wonderful or strange, cheerful young woman, healthy, vigorous - has taken and has died: (((Till now I can not calm down.

28.08.2004, 16:33
Anybody also does not speak, that often. The question was - what most widespread reason. Really, very much it would be desirable to know, where solomki to spread.

29.08.2004, 10:40
I not the doctor, but am logical to assume, that iz-for bleedings if to exclude any available diseases (hearts, etc.)

Pasenjuk A.M.
29.08.2004, 15:15
The mortality in sorts or labors more often iz-for bleedings and developments DVS - sidroma (when a bleeding to stop not probably) - dl jaeogo is on a regular basis supervised the analysis of a blood, a hemostasis, to be spent correction, in sorts or labors close or attentive nablddenie and fast reaction of the doctor for carrying out sootvetsvujushchego treatments; iz-for gestoza (a nephropathy developing into an eclampsia (a cramp) on a background of sharp rise of arterial pressure) - as careful observation, the control of a BP and a status of kidneys (it is not necessary to speak the doctor and what for so often to do or make analyses of urine and to spend treatment) is necessary; terrible and it is complex or difficult profilaktiruemoe a status - HELLP - sindrom-a hemolysis in a combination with DVS-sinromom - rescue or save the woman early diagnostics - can only at occurrence after 35 weeks and whether after sorts or labors of a sharp headache, a pain in the field of a liver, a nausea and a vomiting, abdominal pains and ososbenno in right hypochondrium it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor.