Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, at me 21 week. The doctor has found out erroziju shejki and has sent on to...

29.08.2004, 04:15
Good afternoon, at me 21 week. The doctor has found out erroziju shejki and has sent on a colposcopy. I so understand, that during pregnancy to treat erroziju it is impossible. So what for then to me to pass or take place now this analysis, it is possible to pass or take place it or him after a birth of the kid.
And more, survey in an armchair on such term is how much harmful. The doctor demands its or his passage each time, and I refuse. Thanks for answers. All of successful pregnancy.

29.08.2004, 08:24
Actually each time to look on an armchair there is no necessity. Usually look in the first arrival and can be, before sorts or labors. But it provided that all develops normally, analyses in norm or rate.
And here if there are any problems the doctor can look more often. But each time is too, it seems to me.
Erroziju, dejstvtilno, it is impossible to treat at pregnancy.
Perhaps, it is necessary to change the doctor???