Просмотр полной версии : Whether tell or say, please, often at pregnancy go monthly? Whether Changes...

24.08.2004, 12:52
Whether tell or say, please, often at pregnancy go monthly? Whether their character Changes? To me told terrible histories how women understood that are pregnant only month on 5. Whether the truth it? Thanks.

25.08.2004, 02:12
Usually monthly (poor or scanty allocation) can be only on the first month. And that is means threat of an abortion. Monthly are the internal layer of a uterus when pregnancy has not come or stepped exfoliates. At pregnancy shejka it is densely closed also any vydeleny cannot be. And that women longly do not know that are pregnant are not iz-for monthly. Simply at many (I know some cases) - iz-for colds and t. The item often happen failures in a cycle... And on a floor of year (even such heard) does not happen monthly - they get used to it or this - and do not pay attention.

25.08.2004, 19:55
The first sign of pregnancy - absence monthly.
It is necessary for knowing.

The anonym
27.08.2004, 11:46
To be guided only on otsutsvie monthly - it is simply illiterate, they happen not only on the first month!!!

28.08.2004, 20:52
Absence monthly - FIRST attribute on which it is possible to suspect pregnancy.
At me for my two pregnancies monthly was not from first month.

29.08.2004, 00:31
I wish to mind to those who with such conviction declares, that menstrualnopodobnyh vydeleny during pregnancy CAN not be! It not so!!!
Time on time is not necessary. Friends told, as up to 3 h months of pregnancy of allocation were. At me only in the first month. It is not reflected in the child in any way!!! In detail to explain not budu-in any modern knige-to the grant or manual on pregnancy it is possible to read through about this phenomenon.