Просмотр полной версии : Hello! On June, 24th I have made mini-abortion. Operation has passed or has taken place According to vr...

27.08.2004, 00:34
On June, 24th I have made mini-abortion. Operation has passed or has taken place
According to the doctor normally, any vydeleny
After operation was not. On June, 1st I have accepted 2 kontsetraptivnye tablets Norlevo (containing 750mg levonorgestrel, France). Any by-effects it was not observed, but on June, 5 10th at me has passed or has taken place a bleeding very similar to a menses. As to me have told or said in hospital the first menses after abortion should begin 1-1, 5 months. And in the instruction to tablets it is told or said, that they can cause or call a bleeding. Respond, please,
Whether there was this bleeding a menses or it has been caused or called by the accepted tablets (or this complication after abortion). Also me interests when it is necessary to expect a following menses and whether it is necessary to me to do or make the test for pregnancy, if yes, when.
Yours faithfully, Nadja

The anonym
28.08.2004, 01:19
I that cannot understand that what for you drank or saw tablets after abortion it is impossible to be engaged in sex 1 month better up to monthly, t. To. shejka a uterus yet has not begun to live also it or her it is impossible to disturb and besides it is impossible to drink kontsetraptivnye tablets t. To. And so it is broken or disturbed gormanalnyj a background, to drink them it is possible only after minstruatsii or to begin during it or her. To you it is necessary be urgent to the doctor can anything you like. How much or As far as I know a bleeding from tablets that begins only then, if that not by way of.

Malanova T.B.
28.08.2004, 20:04
Most likely you have reacted to application of a hormonal preparation. If allocation were menstrual on character, have ended already, complaints at you are not present, can expect the next menses in 1 month.
After the spent abortion it is necessary to do or make control US in 1 2 weeks.