Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Please, respond. One and a half weeks ago to me diagnosed...

26.08.2004, 15:33
Hello! Please, respond. One and a half weeks ago to me diagnosed vnmatochnuju pregnancy approximately 4 weeks. Analysis HGCH was then 173, 8. Two days ago I have handed over a blood repeatedly, HGCH - 57. The doctor approves or confirms, what " itself has resolved " - as it can be? That with me was, I do not understand... And in fact the constant doctor and then the doctor in hospital examined me, I even laid one day in hospital while waited for result of the analysis of a blood and was not clear, that with snoj to do or make, a laparoscopy or a nyxis, or that... Really happens, what extrauterine passes or takes place even without " a stimulating kick " - itself??? I understand nothing...

27.08.2004, 14:29
I wish to add still, that all this time at me go krovjanistye allocation, and now too, only already more dark color, as the baked blood... Simply I do not know, that to me occurs or happens now! The Doctor in hospital has told or said - itself leaves, in couple of weeks will be checked up at the constant gynecologist. But unless such happens???

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.08.2004, 15:22
Yes, such it is possible or probable, this is called - discontinuing of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis or tubal abortion. The nature itself makes a decision, what is it not correctly and we take ennost does not develop