Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, at a failure of II phase of a cycle the doctor has appointed or nominated to me about...

28.08.2004, 00:11
The dear doctor, at a failure of II phase of a cycle the doctor has appointed or nominated to me Progesteronum of 1 % intramusculary 6 8 days. Tell or say, whether there is at the given preparation an advantage before djufastonom? Or they are identical on action? It would be desirable to know, that is more effective. Thanks

Kamenetskij B.A.
28.08.2004, 13:02
It is more convenient to accept djufaston. Both of a preparation of the unidirectional action. By the way there are still preparations, kotory it is possible to apply vaginalno (utrozhestan), that in my opinion it is better.
Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
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