Просмотр полной версии : The third year I try to cure a thrush. A maximum that udovalos to achieve-...

27.08.2004, 21:44
The third year I try to cure a thrush. A maximum that udovalos to achieve - 3 4 months of healthy month. Was and difljukan with Clotrimazolum, both terzhinan, and pimafutsin, both betadin, and polizhinaks.
All it with Nistatinum or nizoralom. Now also VPCH it was showed, the gynecologist speaks, that the thrush is for it or him a good background. Papillomas the laser have removed and how to get rid of a thrush?

And more, what time should pass or take place from the moment of the termination or ending of reception of antibiotics till the moment of conception that antibiotics have not rendered negative influence on a fetus?


Oshchepkova S.R.
28.08.2004, 10:37
It is obligatory to survey the partner. To visit or attend the gastroenterologist, the allergist, to be checked up on Saccharum - colitises, gastritises, allergies and Diabetum can give a candidiasis and then without treatment of a basic disease all preparations will drink in vain. To be surveyed on all infections.