Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 28, Through what time after the termination or discontinuance of reception prepara...

Olga Vladimirovna!
26.08.2004, 07:41
Hello! To me 28, Through what time after the termination or discontinuance of reception of preparations "Dostineks" and "Vobenzim" it is possible to become pregnant without consequences for a fetus. What researches (analyses) and in what terms there should pass or take place the future parents before conception. In advance it is very grateful for the answer! Good-bye!

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.08.2004, 23:47
About analyses - archive preparation for pregnancy in Pregnancy, in occasion of Dostineksa - it is similar that he has been appointed or nominated on povoddu giperprolaktinemii, therefore to become pregnant it is necessary ON the BACKGROUND of the PREPARATION or right after its or his cancellings under the control of a level of Prolactinum