Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! pozhalusta help or assist, very much I experience. Pregnancy of 12 weeks, with...

16.08.2004, 12:26
Zdrastvujte! pozhalusta help or assist, very much I experience. Pregnancy of 12 weeks, today was at the doctor and to me results of analyses on an infection have told or said. As to me has told or said the doctor: " my Girl yes at you a full bouquet " - made me cry and not having explained what illness or disease to that harms has sent on job, and infections such: a clamidiosis, microplasma and uroplazma. I ask prompt, help or assist advice or council than to treat, the doctor has told or said it is possible only after 14 weeks, but something can while be undertaken, I cannot sit and wait, I want the healthy child and very much I regret that was not checked up up to pregnancy but who knew.

The anonym
18.08.2004, 15:40
Calm down first of all, all will be good, and if there is an opportunity change the doctor.

The doctor
21.08.2004, 23:04
Tatyana, do not experience. Treatment, really, is spent in later terms (use antibiotics, and they in the first trimester are dangerous). All three infections can not be felt in any way as you, and the child is not mentioned or touched, but here damage of environments of a fetus can give, can get into an amniotic liquid. So while it is necessary "to sit and wait". And more one: diagnostics of these infections is imperfect, often in different laboratories at one woman receive different results (that - "is" - "is not present"). So, even if you would "be checked up" up to pregnancy - not the fact, that infections would not be found out then. (if the doctor and laboratory work " in a tandem " - frequency of positive answers at them will be above). There are data in the literature what to get rid of such infections in general it is impossible - they will constantly be in an organism. If there is an opportunity - peresdajte while analyses in other medtsentre. And treatment is all the same spent under the standard scheme or plan.

22.08.2004, 06:34
It completely agree - change the doctor!!! It is very important. The good doctor would tell or say too most, but in other words so, that you and attention have not turned on any there an infection. So yet late, change.
And to treat such infections it is necessary, how much or as far as I know, actually on later term so while anything to do or make it is not necessary. Easier or simply to calm down.

The anonym
23.08.2004, 23:22
Tatyana, at me have revealed precisely takiezhe infections, but after the repeated analysis chlamydias have proved to be true only. Have passed or have taken place course of treatment in 28 weeks, now I shall hand over once again. Do not experience, all will be good. Necessarily pass or take place course of treatment if all taki the result will be positive, but it after 20 weeks.

27.08.2004, 09:32
Treatment is really spent on later terms. And the ureaplasma and a mycoplasma usually up to the extremity or end do not cure, too weak antibiotics but to extinguish their action it is necessary in order to prevent infection of the child.

27.08.2004, 15:34
It is interesting, if mokoplazma and ureoplazma - virus infektsiib that as can be treated them antibiotics?