Просмотр полной версии : Consultation on gemostaziogramme is necessary! Pregnancy - nearby 3 h weeks...

24.08.2004, 00:54
Consultation on gemostaziogramme is necessary! Pregnancy - nearby 3 h weeks. Thrombocytes, ACHTV, ON, MNO, Trombinovoe and a prothrombin time, a fibrinogen, a snake poison or venom, VA - norm or rate. TROMBOPLASTINOVOE TIME - 46, 800 (norm or rate 32 42). KAOLINOVOE TIME - 113.000 (norm or rate 41 70). What means this excess of norm or rate??? Thanks! The doctor kak-that has mysteriously told or said - it is necessary peresdat, to look or see.

27.08.2004, 12:47
Try to ask this question in "gynecologist", here doctors do not respond. Success.