Просмотр полной версии : I accept Mersilon about 2 years (at me to the child 3 years). And here in the middle prie...

26.08.2004, 15:54
I accept Mersilon about 2 years (at me to the child 3 years). And here in the middle of reception at me have gone or send krovjanistye allocation (a little, dark clots). Such like was not before, especially longly already go - about one week.
At me the question - whether can be it an abortion iz-for tablets? For me it is very important, as I the person the believer.

Soboleva L.I.
27.08.2004, 12:12
Dear Maria! Contraceptives protect you from pregnancy, instead of cause abortion. Krovjanistye allocation in the first months of reception are caused or called by "accustoming" of an organism to hormones. In the further - mean, that in these tablets for you it is not enough hormones.