Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I accepted to Diana - 35 during 2 h years, t. To. Were seryozn...

25.08.2004, 19:08
Hello. I accepted to Diana - 35 during 2 h years, t. To. Were seryoznye problems with a skin on the face. During reception of tablets of spots did not become, a cycle noramalizovalsja. Before reception of tablets the cycle was not regular. Diane-35 I do not accept 4 months. The cycle has got off (30 35 days), pryshchiki steel pojavljat again. It can hormonal disturbances or dysfunction of ovaries? What to do or make? To me of 28 years.

27.08.2004, 04:11
Diane-35 not a medicine, and a contraceptive preparation. He does not normalize a cycle, and frames artificial. (as if for the person the apparatus of artificial respiration breathes and imposes the rhythm vdoha-an exhalation). Most likely at you really hormonal disturbances (poyshennoe quantity or amount of man's sexual hormones). It is necessary to be surveyed and treated at ginekologa-the endocrinologist.