Просмотр полной версии : For treatment of a thrush the doctor has registered treatment by a medicine "TERZHINAN" a course 10...

26.08.2004, 19:10
For treatment of a thrush the doctor has registered treatment by a medicine "TERZHINAN" a course of 10 days, then a regenerative course, a medicine "ATSILAKT". Having treated 7 a medicine "TERZHINAN" has learned or has found out, that it is pregnant (presumably 5 ned., a delay 7 dej). Whether It is necessary to stop reception "TERZHINANA" and whether it is necessary to accept "ATSILAKT", whether there will be from it or this a harm?

Malanova T.B.
26.08.2004, 23:18
Terzhinan to stop. Atsilakt to use it is not necessary.