Просмотр полной версии : The cycle has got off

26.08.2004, 15:51
Hello! To me 21 year, recently with the husband have decided to plan pregnancy, therefore I since new month have ceased to use contraceptives. Last menses at me was on August, 8th, and today she has begun, is close to the middle of a cycle (for 18 day), and in the beginning were simply brown allocation. A pain I do not feel. Tell or say, what is it can be: shifts as a result of cancelling OK or any gross infringement in job? And whether always so now will be? How to me now to count the middle of a cycle? Thanks for the answer.

26.08.2004, 20:53
Wait, allow a cycle to be restored, it is not necessary to count at once:) it will be restored, will count. For simplification it is possible to measure BT and to go on uzi, it will help or assist to clear up a situation. Always so will not be.