Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Tell or Say to me, please, that can mean brown vydel...

22.08.2004, 20:51
Tell or Say to me, please, that can mean brown allocation without a smell, any itch, it is simple allocation and all. Last monthly kak-that have suddenly ended, too quickly and these or it have begun allocation, already days ten gde-that and in the first day the loin hurted or was ill;was sick, but I have thought, what is it iz-for monthly so sometimes happens.
What can these or it mean allocation and how them I could will catch?
To me of 20 years. A sexual life I do not live. At the doctor was never. US did or made, there all vporjadke, only did or made half a year back. I can make still, only not to the doctor.
From what they could will appear? Whether and objazatelno to go to the doctor? Can they will pass or take place??
Explain to me, please...

Malanova T.B.
25.08.2004, 16:09
At you dysfunction of ovaries. It is necessary to make US control. Depending on its or his results, most likely it will be necessary to descend or go to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist.