Просмотр полной версии : Zdrawstwuite, pomogite, neznau chto delat? docheri 9 let nedelu nasad zamet...

19.08.2004, 11:07
Zdrawstwuite, pomogite, neznau chto delat? docheri 9 let nedelu nasad zametila widelenija (mnogo) bolei net, bili u ginekologa osmatriwat ne stal propisal Povidon-Iod, uche 4 dnja delaem wannochki no resultata NIKAKOGO!

Malanova T.B.
22.08.2004, 18:12
These or It of allocation cause a dyscomfort in the girl?, an itch? The doctor on reception has made smears???? You that treat????

25.08.2004, 10:27
Spasibo sa otwet (naschet dewochki 9 let), suda net, no est pokrasnenie i menja bespokoit chto doktor nasnachil lechenie bes osmotra, poetomu mi ne snaem chto lechim! Wot takoe lechenie w Germanii, mochet stoit obratitsja k drugomu doktoru?