Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me the wife on 8 month, last analyses have shown low ge...

23.08.2004, 21:12
Hello. At me the wife on 8 month, last analyses have shown a low hemoglobin (94). Prompt please its or his what agents it is possible 7

24.08.2004, 17:36
To me, for example, have appointed or nominated maltofer. But in general, it is necessary to ask the doctor about a medicine and its or his doses.

25.08.2004, 09:22
There are simple national agents. Any fruit and vegetables of red color. Greens. Grechka. Very much, speak, juice of a pomegranate helps or assists. And any medical preparations give the complications. It is always better to aspire to natural agents. Yes! And to walk it is necessary more!