Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At the husband the surdomute father, have learned or have found out that he was born after a contusion...

23.08.2004, 09:48
Hello. At the husband the surdomute father, have learned or have found out that he was born after a contusion of the grandfather doctors spoke what is it and has affected or influenced its or his hearing. Whether but me it is all the same disturbing to be reflected in our second child, the first boy was born healthy. Thankful in advance for the answer.

25.08.2004, 08:21
The contusion of the grandfather could not affect or influence a birth of the surdomute father. Certainly is epigeneticheskoe inheritance of attributes and some got attributes can be passed really by right of succession (at least at plants it is proved), but it is not connected with change genoma, and more likely with other things. Well and that "doctors" - speak that it lysenkovshchina any. Not knowing the nature of illness or disease something is not possible or probable to tell or say, but that that your husband is healthy also the first boy healthy, testifies to that, as the second child should be absolutely normal.