Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! At me to you a question we wish to get or start the second child (...

21.08.2004, 17:04
Hello the doctor! At me to you a question we wish to get or start the second child (it is impossible 3 months) About the first too it was impossible 3 months but as has started to drink (has appointed or nominated the doctor) mastodinon at once zaberemenila (as has learned or has found out at once has stopped to accept a preparation) In August a saw mastodinon from the first cycle it has not turned out. Whether at me such question can be had a drink and in September mastodinon (about 8 cycles + vit. Pregnavit.

Kamenetskij B.A.
24.08.2004, 23:16
In the given situation speech does not go about sterility or barrenness and offensive or approach of pregoing pregnancy more likely concurrence. Without purpose or appointment of the doctor preparations (and vitamins B volume number) to accept it is impossible.