Просмотр полной версии : Greetings, tell or say please as there is a fuse. At me 38 week, 3 day in...

18.08.2004, 19:41
Greetings, tell or say please as there is a fuse. At me 38 week, 3 day leave slices of jelly. Transparent yellowish odtenka. The bladder and toshnit awfully hurts at night. What is it with me

The anonym
20.08.2004, 08:14
The fuse at all leaves on a miscellaneous. At me in the morning in the morning when went to a toilet, she shlepnulas in a toilet bowl, and by the evening I have given birth. But it or her something was visually visible not so has felt, that shlepnulo... Descend or Go to the doctor for the calm. I wish you easy or light;mild sorts or labors and the healthy kid!

23.08.2004, 21:39
And at me a fuse vyhodia during two weeks. So do not worry. And in occasion of a bladder ask a question to the urologist is better. He did not hurt or be ill;be sick me, and the nausea sometimes appeared. Successful sorts or labors!!!

24.08.2004, 11:27
The fuse leaves or at once directly ahead of sorts or labors, or in parts - as at you. It can and 1 2 weeks prior to sorts or labors to occur or happen. All goes " under the plan ":) Successful sorts or labors!