Просмотр полной версии : Zdavstvujte! My husband suspects, that I do not have an attachment opl...

Svetlana K.
22.08.2004, 04:23
Zdavstvujte! My husband suspects, that I do not have an attachment of the impregnated ootid to a wall makti. How it can be checked up? Monthly always begin in time. Two days prior to monthly did or made the test - has shown one stria. And more, tell or say please, through what time after a fertilization the ootid should be attached to a uterus? When the test operates or works, after a fertilization or only after an attachment?

Pasenjuk A.M.
23.08.2004, 20:40
The test can work for 10 12 day after a fertilization, and the attachment to occur or happen for 14 16 day. To check up absence of implantation it is impossible, it is possible to check up a status endometrija.