Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me 26 years, are the daughter 5, 5 years. I am ill or sick rassejanym with a sclerosis...

19.08.2004, 22:30
To me 26 years, are the daughter 5, 5 years.
I am ill or sick rassejanym with a sclerosis, we Want with the wife of one more child,
Whether the first vopros-is passed my illness or disease by right of succession.
vopros-the analysis of a semen has shown the second:

volume 3ml
liguefaction 55min
consistency fluid
ph 7.8
concentration 1.10/6mil./ml
total count 3.10/6mil
motility 0 %
type of motility: A-B-C-D-
morphology: kruger criteria 5 % normals
abnormalities 95 % head 51
tail 38 midpiece 6
spermatids-WBC +

In labolatorii have told or said that in a semen there are no moving spermatozoons

Tell or Say, whether probably pritakih parameters to conceive the child, whether probably artificial fertilization or that or another.

Many thanks. Vadim and Larissa

Kamenetskij B.A.
23.08.2004, 15:06
In the given situation carrying out of procedure IKSI is possible or probable. About hereditary predisposition of anything I can not tell or say. Can it is meaningful address with these questions to genetikam.