Просмотр полной версии : Whether the test for pregnancy reveal fiber in urine can at a delay in two d...

22.08.2004, 05:28
Whether the test for pregnancy reveal fiber in urine can at a delay in two days

The anonym
22.08.2004, 16:52
The test for pregnancy does not reveal or tap fiber!

Pasenjuk A.M.
23.08.2004, 04:53
The test for pregnancy reveals or taps hormone HGCH, and its or his low concentration not always reagirujutt on the test, fiber in urine comes to light or is taped under the analysis of urine to the general or common.

23.08.2004, 12:50
Excuse the doctor, for an incorrect question but if the test shows one strip, at a delay vtsikle 2 days, whether it is possible to speak about otsutsvii to pregnancy or the test is not sensitive enough