Просмотр полной версии : I want the second child, but it is precisely assured, that there is a clamidiosis. One year ago proshl...

20.08.2004, 04:51
I want the second child, but it is precisely assured, that there is a clamidiosis. One year ago have passed or have taken place course of treatment, but probably have not cured. Doctor KVD has told or said, as to treat it or him it is not necessary, with it or this people easy all life I live. Especially and my girlfriend with this diagnosis has given birth to the healthy child. So to do or make, all life to be treated?

21.08.2004, 21:23
The clamidiosis actually very difficultly gives in to treatment. I would be treated still time, podstimulirovala immunity and if check analysises again would show it or him would spit upon this business and have conceived the child. The clamidiosis actually is terrible for the child not so much, it or him treat to prevent inflammatory process in a small basin which can prevent to conception. In general if to address to statistics its or his harm is strongly exaggerated. Success to you!

The anonym
23.08.2004, 00:00
Itself gave birth or travailled with a clamidiosis and I can tell or say that anything good is not present. At the child not up to sites of a skin on a leg or foot have developed and to her in a maternity home began to prick antibiotics at once. Understand what is it such. Flora of an intestine have brought down also I was tormented with malyshkoj about one year while all has come to norm or rate. If you are yet pregnant, necessarily pass or take place course of treatment repeatedly. But be clever. I do not know as you treated, but at a clamidiosis the course lasts not less than 24 days. At that it there should be different antibiotics. I was treated month. In the beginning pricked one preparation, then following and in the extremity or end the third. It was more 3 years ago and I do not remember names. Certainly this all was supplemented imunno-with strengthening preparations and more something for support of flora of a vagina. And then even a month two drank a complex good vitamin. At me the clamidiosis was in the started form, but treatment has passed or has taken place well and now yearly I perezdaju analyses and all time prove to be true its or his absence. It not the rhinitis and smerjatsja with it or him is not necessary to you. At me iz-for it or him and smears all time were horror, and sechas it's OK and we in 3 months will have one more kid. I wish also you success.

23.08.2004, 08:31
And you are assured, what problems with the child were from a clamidiosis? I am simply tired to be treated and I do not believe already what he so is terrible? In five years after the first sorts or labors it has appeared, that at us six-years or six-summer prescription a trichomoniasis, and I with it or him okazayvaetsja have given birth to the healthy child. Prompt, who was in a similar situation.