Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I live in Germany, for New year was in Russia and has passed or has taken place US. Vra...

22.08.2004, 04:54
Hello. I live in Germany, for New year was in Russia and has passed or has taken place US. The doctor liked results and she has recommended to pass or take place US for 5 6 day of a cycle. Unfortunately, by this time I have already returned to Germany, have gone to the doctor, that has looked or seen the conclusion of US, has told or said, that does not understand, that from me want, because " there that's all right ", itself UZ survey to spend did not become, has looked or seen in zerklah and has told or said, that very well. Therefore I ask you to comment on result of US to be defined or determined: to search for other doctor or to calm down. Actually results: (20 day of a cycle) 1. The sizes of a uterus: are not increased, length: 4.9 sm, perednezadny the size: 3.7 sm, the cross-section or transversal size: 5.1 sm;
2. Contours equal;
3. Position: correct, Otkolnenie: forward;
4. Endometrija thickness of 11 mm, Additional ehosignaly are absent, non-uniform ehostruktury zaschet gipoehogennoj zones 67 the mm in the center are lean endometrija. On pereferii endometrija ehonegativnaja a zone;
5. Ehostruktura a myometrium: homogeneous;
6. Anomalies of development: otstutvujut;
7. The right ovary: 3.2 X 1.9 sm, contours precise, Ehostruktura: not homogeneous, gipoehogennye includings or incorporations d = 5 7 mm;
8. The left ovary: 3.6 h 2.2 sm, contours precise, Ehostruktura: not homogeneous, gipoehogennye includings or incorporations d = 6 8 mm, sh m-4.0 h 2.6 sm, tsi (?) 4;
The diagnosis: indirect attributes hr. metroendometrioza, Melkokistoznye changes of ovaries.

Malanova T.B.
23.08.2004, 02:24
We shall decipher US so: hr. A metroendometritis. Hr a salpingo-oophoritis.
BUT! Real survey vrachom-the gynecologist, at absence of complaints (on what you refer) can be really correct. We are guided by displays of illnesses or diseases, and US - an auxiliary method. Write to us.