Просмотр полной версии : Hello, tell or say can go at pregnancy monthly? At me it is simple in...

18.08.2004, 23:45
Hello, tell or say can go at pregnancy monthly? At me it is simple this month monthly very strange send or have come, we shall tell or say absolutely imperceptibly, and there were only 2 days, other 2 days botched work, and now in the mornings podtashnivaet, did or made the test, has shown negatively!

20.08.2004, 05:39
Can in days perdpolagaemyh monthly be botched work (similarity monthly). But it is not healthy, t. To in an ideal it should not be. Most likely the test already would show pregnancy, if she was, but tests are mistaken in rare or infrequent cases, make US for 7 10 day of a cycle to be convinced that occurs or happens...

21.08.2004, 17:26
Yes. At me and was, but the test has shown pregnancy. Try to make the test once more, and descend or go to the doctor is better, he can confirm ber-t at a delay two weeks, and US - even earlier.

22.08.2004, 18:18
Thanks for advice or councils!!! Today I shall make still the test, and that that that not to myself, feeling what that strange!